Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Robert Slanley Collection Ribbon

The enigmatic

A little-known culture sowed the Iberian Peninsula of enigmatic stone animals whose meaning or purpose are still a matter of debate for archaeologists. Are vettones.

One of the archaeological phenomena related to the Celts of Spain's most important has to do with sculptural representations of the Roman peoples who lived between the Douro and the Tagus, in the plateau Vetoni. Bulls, boars, pigs, bears, elephants may ... Crude sculptures granite of various sizes and found in such diverse areas that researchers have not yet agreed on its meaning - it may be several reasons for their production? -. These are called "boars" which is as known to this culture that contains more than 400 copies in a narrow strip of rock and forest. Correspond to the work of a group of artisans who tilled the rock and vetones provided to these shadowy figures, whose meaning has not been disclosed.

2,500 years ago ... The
vetones were Celts, living on livestock and prepared to be welded first class. Initiation rites for future warriors carved into the rock saunas and worshiped the forces of nature and celebrating human animal sacrifices on altars cave. They divided the territory extended between the Duero and Tajo, what is now Toledo, Cáceres, Salamanca, Avila, Zamora, Segovia and the Portuguese province of Tras-os-Montes and Beira Alta. They built fortified cities (oppida) more important in the Avila Valley Amblés in forests adjacent to the hills surrounding the city of Avila. In this framework carved boars, considered the most representative artistic expression Vetoni.
Curiosity about these ancient sculptures has responded to several patterns. The Romans used figuration of bulls and boars of small size in their cemetery, as a cist and cupa - symbol of the burial of someone whose ancestors worshiped vetones these animals, as is now done with the Cross? - or use them as blocks in the Middle Ages in important buildings such as the walls of Avila or more churches in this and other cities and towns in the area, perhaps with contempt in order to save grinding stone when they received good rock elements, and also carved -. And as the ages are so many turns to art, from the XVI century noble families by placing them in the gardens of their palaces - recognition their artistic value, their age, or an attraction of the mysterious power of these ancient sculptures to rich estates? -. Archaeological evidence and from the fifteenth century, the documentation of the chroniclers, put the construction of these sculptures in the Iron Age, from V-IV century a. C. Only since the late nineteenth century, a time when the figure of the archaeological research excavations have been made more systematic in vetones forts, trying to discover something of the past of pastoralists and warriors, and meeting with a culture full of mystery and doubt.

Any idea or image? Among
Gods and men have always been a strange relationship. Fear, love, fear, submission, protection ... different sides of the same currency in which the circumstances surrounding us are vital. In the case of the Celts, the forces of nature were the mystery of rain and rivers, the energy of the sun and moon, and strength and power of stone animals. Understanding what happened influenced to transform everyday items into objects of worship there.
"Worship the bull or stone? Or both? It is one of the unknowns of boars. Schematic figures, simple, very geometricized, therefore, when compared with the representations Iberian the same time, it is almost impossible to relate. Question of wealth, media, stupidity, or is it a vision sought, the mere representation of an idea without an effort figurative? Celts relations with nature was so marked that the idea may be just the combination of two natural elements central to his life: the rock on which they built their villages, protecting them and the bull, sacred animal classical mythology, charged, in this case, a sociological component that can not be ignored: one of his sources of wealth was cattle.
stones in worship and educated himself to the stones have also been associated with streams. For example, in the fort of Ulaca (Solosancho, Avila) found a boar near a spring, and next to the fort of El Raso (Candeleda, Avila) also found a copy beside a river, next to the pre-Roman Sanctuary Postolabosa. The presence of sculptures is tas extensive grasslands, as a milestone in the landscape, and some near villages and even within them, has played a sacred eat thereof, in relation to the protection of both livestock habitats. It has been more than seventy years since archaeologist Juan Cabral, one of the first forts dug vetones highlighted the magic-religious function of these zoomorphic figures, relating to rites of protecting livestock, fertility and reproduction of the species. Sculptures found in grassland areas especially rich in ravines near medieval on the edge of land and retailers - so sacred landmarks. There are theories that indicate even the boars trying to signal the possessions of the great warriors (the privileged in the hierarchy of settlements), as a symbol of social status. What remains to be confirmed is whether, in fact, bulls and boars found were at these places in their origins or, conversely, have been displaced from their location original over the centuries. Yes to some uncertainty about their movement, which calls into question the original location of the rest. What will be very difficult to figure out is when and why.

Bam Margera Leaf Tattoo

vettones Stone Death , Hail

The Vetones cremated their dead. He was a Celtic ritual whose origins can be found in the heart of Europe, culture Umas Fields. The most powerful warriors took to the grave her trousseau, burned at the stake, over all, after being in a stone altar, according to Roman historians, waiting for psychopomps birds will take their secrets to another life.
Archaeological excavations have helped to unravel some unknowns of life and customs of the vetones. Castro is the case of the Mesa de Miranda (Chamartin de la Sierra, Ávila). Discovered by Antonio Miller in 1930, was excavated by him along with Juan Cabral, who was also responsible for another great work in this field excavations in the camp and the cemetery of La Cogotas (Cardeñosa, Avila). The large cemetery of La Mesa de Miranda, known as "the den" with the Las Cogotas have provided rich data on vetones, as the pyramid structure of villages and the importance of warriors and craftsmen in the social ladder. However, the evidence that the boars are related funerary elements not based on vetones necropolis, but the specimens found in Avila, from a Roman cemetery near the Romanesque basilica of San Vicente, in front of the wall.
references about vetones rituals are evident by the existence of outdoor shrines, carved into the rock of the land. The case of pre-Roman altar found in San Mamede (Villardiegua de la Ribera, Zamora), the Portuguese Panóias (Vila Real) or the sacrificial altar of chaste Ulaca (Solosancho, Avila), The latter is best known for his situation, the larger core of the whole area inhabited by the vetones, and ported the elements surrounding it. The rock altar is carved into the rock of the land and is surrounded by a space "sacred" or Nemeton. It consists of a surface with two pairs of carved stairs leading to a platform with several cavities communicated itself. Its sanctity has been determined by parallels with the altar found in Panóias Castro, containing Roman inscriptions referring to animal and human sacrifices in the field of culture and Celtic gods. Is thought to be a cult related to the bull or the Moon, by its location in one of the highest in oppidum. The Roman historian Strabo in his writings alluded to beliefs regarding the full moon in this whole region. Archaeologist Juan Cabré also highlighted his exalted heliolatría due to a ceramics found in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca) and weapons of Castro in Las Cogotas sun motif.
For other cults of astral significance, the archaeologist F. Fabian says bowing stones denote a hierarchical differentiation of areas of the necropolis of the den, are associated with a celestial constellation.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Precious Stones That Look Like Diamonds


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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Honor the fallen

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

People With Hiv Sick Often

Solstice Celebration at home

Since we live in a cosmopolitan society and locked in huge cities. Since all this should be added the failure of many of us to find people related to our spiritual consciousness, making it impossible to create a working party or group with which to celebrate the sacred rituals of our blood. FRS
Since we are going to propose individual or a family ritual to perform in your home, replacing the majority of group celebration.
I know we are insistent and heavy, but we recall once again that the ritualization of the celebrations is not to lead a religious concept thereof, but only a way to celebrate, remember and approach the traditions, legends and mythologies of our people.
few days ago we proposed to our readers, creating a "pagan Bethlehem" to symbolize a dolmen (gateway to the world of the gods).
This dolmen or spiritual place, will be our venue. So when the time of the solstice night, we will meet with the family (blood), and light a candle to symbolize the fire of the sun on the longest night. That fire
represent the so-called solar, cosmic force that will Gautúr to God to destroy the enemies of the world. (Gens - ethnicity / Othal - Patria)
Gautur was one of many name as the god Odin, which is closely related to the variant Gaut, god of the Goths, also known by some semi-late top names such as: Gautur, Gutar, Gautayr or Gautr.
Meeting and just before turning the solar flare at the door of the dolmen, recite a prayer:

Gautúr sun god, father of the solar swastika
Guide your soul in this night of darkness into the light Raise your spear
giants of the night to attack the world and reborn
victorious after the battle force.
May this fire we light in your name tea
After delivering the opening prayer, light the candle now before dinner. Recall that according to Jordanes
the nights of the solstices and other rituals Goths, it ended with a cultic banquet in honor of the gods.
After the dinner, we will celebrate the victory of the sun (gens / pater / father / ethnicity), making a speech before the flame indented.

Today we have gathered to celebrate the winter solstice sun
force and god reborn with a heroic ruler Gautúr
After winning a cosmic battle the forces of the night.
solar swastika, new queen n the sky
The sword of the god of the race
The flaming spear of light, Thousand Alzara glorious battles Claiming
his throne in the sky blue.
Gautúr the god father of our blood will overcome the demons

But fighting alone.
Each year, the spirit of our forefathers, fighting alongside the
Each year, the titans of our mythology, fight with him
Each year, the giant pillars of our race, Gothus, Valagothus and fighting alongside
Armenon he
Each year, we we went to celebrate his victory of fire, and fought with him.

After the ceremony, we can let the candle burn accompanying overnight and the triumph of the solar wheel. Or we can turn it off before the doors of our dolmen home, making a wish in private. Smoke symbolically
join our petition to the world of the gods through the smoke, just like people thought Celtiberians with cremation of corpses.

This simple ritual of remembrance, can be performed by private families, thus teaching the young children and youth, the pillars on the old traditions of our ancestors, and were these Goths, Celts, Romans or Hispanic.
also can be a good opportunity to meet friends coming to our ideas and spiritual tastes, having a meeting / dinner that will give a deeper character of union with the past and celebration of the solstice. Relying so this ritual becomes tradition for every year. And also hoping that holding the same, may lead to a neophyte wizard in the interest of the traditions of his people he is joined by the portal blood.