Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Types of Solar Energy Storage

Man, through various processes, has managed to transform solar energy so that we can now distinguish three types:
1 - Solar photovoltaics: Occurs when a portion of the solar radiation is converted to a photoelectric cell. Several cells are connected via a photovoltaic module.
2 - Solar thermal energy: this energy is used the heat from solar radiation. It presents a variety of ways: hot water heating, solar cooling, kitchens, solar dryers and solar thermodynamic plants.
3 - Passive Solar: This kind of energy is the oldest that was given to solar energy. It is generally used in buildings or houses. The benefit of using this energy in homes or buildings is that they would be contributing to important energetic savings.


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Why is stored solar energy?
solar energy is stored to meet demand because to their availability, in some places, is insufficient.

What are the storage systems?

storage systems are simple water and rock, but you can also use devices that are based on changes in particular phases of the salts that melt at low temperatures.

What are the batteries?

accumulators are used to accumulate the surplus electricity caused by wind or photovoltaic devices.


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

solar energy has a wide variety of benefits. These may include:
  • is a renewable energy
  • Reduces pollution
  • It is clean
  • The use of this energy is silent
  • light and heat from the sun can produce heat energy, mechanical, electrical and light
  • solar structures are easy to maintain
Like all energy, it also has its disadvantages. Some of these are:
  • There are places where the planet receives very little light, and this energy can be maximized
  • Only obtained during the day
  • installations of solar collector systems have very high costs
  • are vast tracts of land necessary to acquire this energy in large quantities
References: solar-advantages-and-disadvantages /

Alcides, J. Papaleo. Theme Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Science "Habitat," Matter, Energy, Man. Argentina. ALPA issues.

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How is Solar Energy?

The use of this energy is fairly new and is done mainly in two ways. One of them is based on reflecting the sun's rays so they come together in one place.
is usually achieved by means of mirrors when they have their axis oriented to the Sun concentrate all the rays on them, lie in a focus. Thus, we come to the point that depending on the size of the device, known to reach temperatures several thousand degrees.

The other way to exploit this energy is transformed directly into electrical energy, which is accomplished by using photocells (electronic device that permit and transform light energy into electricity through the photovoltaic effect) that mounted correctly, provide a very useful power (used to move or activate machines and instruments).

These devices also being increasingly applied in the Earth, equipped with large numbers of satellites and other spacecraft.

Reference: Encyclopedia

Clarín. Volume 9. Argentina. Audiovisual Encyclopedias VISOR. 1999

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Where Does Solar Energy?

solar energy from the sun and converted into useful energy for applications that gives human beings.
Here, the hydrogen atoms are fused continuously transforming helium. In this process a portion of the Sun becomes solar energy. Only a portion of it reaches Earth in the form of heat energy, light and radiant.

vegetables, using solar energy, combining inorganic materials with carbon dioxide to form an inorganic compound (glucose) that serves as food for herbivorous animals and plants. Thus, solar energy is converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis process. So the cycle begins again.
