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90 years of Law at Catholic University

90 years of law at Catholic University

PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Sciences
Professor of History of Law in
The Faculty of Law at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) began operations on April 29 1919, with a small group of 20 students in the classrooms of the old premises of the Colegio de la Recoleta, Plaza Francia. Originally, his name was of Arts and Jurisprudence, approved by Supreme Resolution of 24 March 1917, date of creation of the University. In 1936, vacancies rose to number 50 and the Faculty was divided into two: 1. Letters, and 2. Law and Political Science. The latter, in 1956, was established in the Law School.
In 1947, during the deanship of the illustrious patriot and lawyer Victor Andrés Belaunde Diez Canseco (Arequipa 1883-New York, USA, 1966), the School moved to the colonial mansion of Lártiga-Casa Riva Aguero, at the center Lima (Jr. Camaná No. 459, current site of the Riva-Agüero) until October 3, 1974, the day the powerful earthquake that struck our capital. After a brief recess, the Faculty or Academic Program Law moved into classrooms donated by other academic programs and some temporary facilities in University City Fundo Pando. LAW AND REVOLUTION

Jorge Avendaño Valdez was dean of the Faculty of Law from 1964 until 1970. Year in which by order of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces, the "Powers and deans" were renamed "Academic Programs and directors." In this situation, Avendaño also was director of the Academic Program of law to fulfill its mandate of six years. At the end of it, he was elected Pro-Chancellor of the University, while Felipe Osterling Parodi, on 12/14/1970, with the unanimous vote of the teachers took over the direction of the program, to be subsequently ratified by the Assembly University.
was a difficult and complicated because in 1968, with the coup constitutional President Fernando Belaunde Terry, the so-called Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces who led by General Juan Velasco Alvarado, began "a process of change" trampling the order legal and legal-constitutional and that the true well-trained jurists and lawyers could not support. And PUCP, in general, and the Faculty of Law, in particular, could boast the membership of them, which we sumábamos most students.
On 03/10/1968, we met students from the faculties of Law and Arts and Humanities, in the latter's local (In Plaza Francia), to protest in our university for the constitutional violation and senseless legicidio. More or less were a number of 300. The police, in charge always do the dirty work of dictators, with a tank toppled the old gate of the academic unit and are violently ejected into the streets. We had no other way to face manfully, because "When they close the doors are opened legality of violence." (See Law No. 207 of 07.15.2008, p. 3). REFORM

Nevertheless, the University continued to function normally. Law was done on "education reform of law. "Process started during the administration of Jorge Avendaño Valdez. Fewer words words, was to give an efficient and effective theoretical and practical instruction in the legal field, in order to reduce the distance between the study of law-law, doctrine, jurisprudence and practice, and its application and either the due process or legal advice to legal and natural persons.
In fact, teachers themselves, especially young people, spoke of a mismatch between theory and practice of legal education then. In other words, a bookish education lacking or with very little practical application for good practice of the profession. To this add the feature had to be feathered Peruvian legislation since 1904 to then, had been enacted more than 20 thousand laws, giving effect to this Latin aphorism Francis Bacon: "How many laws, many rules" (Quot leges, regular tot).
To undertake such a great task was developed "a new conception of law", "A New Curriculum", "new course content," "new driving techniques in class", "reform of the rating system and granting of degrees "and reorganization of the faculty" etc.
With this new vision and mission with the support of the Ford Foundation entered into an agreement with the University of Wisconsin, United States of America. It would train teachers in developing new methodology and teaching materials. Gradually, a total of 15 teachers held an internship at the university. Returning after his new group, students identify them with the nickname of the "Wisconsin Boys."
Indeed, some made big contributions to the understanding and identification with the students, thus making highly beneficial reform. They along with other former teachers became teachers unforgettable and best friends because we were taught to think legally and set aside the odious mnemonic number of laws and proposals of articles and treatises and case law contradictory and impossible to understand the multiple meanings-many or in which we incur with great ease lawyers. That is, with great unselfishness, generosity and tolerance formed us to observe, analyze, interpret and comment. In contrast, others were so negative that created resistance and even rejection by their students and itching stubbornly believe intellectually privileged to have passed through the halls of the renowned and prestigious Wisconsin University.
parallel with this grim reality, it generated a more severe rejection These and other teachers who completed both measures of force by some students as the university authority, with honesty, is not relevant to recall. This, especially, because it was the fruit of youth, inexperience and intolerance. Fortunately, the water level again after some self-analysis and corrections that improved relations in the complex process of teaching and learning within the constructivist framework. Thus, the Faculty of Law PUCP was at the forefront of the teaching of law is not only the country but also in Latin America.
In 1970, the Academic Program of 329 registered law students enrolled and distributed as follows: 102 in first year, 51 second, 61 in third, 57 fourth and 58 in fifth. He resigned the secretary Juan Armando Lengua Balbi and was replaced by Alfredo Lopez-Alfaro Ostoja. Constitutional law professor Jose Pareja Paz Soldan was appointed ambassador of Peru in Denmark. The promotion was graduated teacher's name "Roberto Mac Lean Ugarteche."
By 1971 significantly increased the number of students: 415. 489 enrolled in 1974 and graduated 120 students, divided into two classes. One bore the name "Enrique Normand Sparks" and another the "Juan Armando Lengua Balbi."

Among many others, in alphabetical order, remember Alzamora Valdez, Mario; Arce Murua, Juan; Avendaño Hubner, Jorge; Avendaño Valdez, Jorge; Avendaño Valdez, Juan Luis; Cornejo Chávez, Hector De Althaus Guarderas, Miguel Espinoza Villanueva, Carlos; Ferrero Rebagliati, Raúl; Figallo Adrianzén, Guillermo, Garcia Belaunde, Domingo Czech Gulman, Guillermo; Leon Barandiaran, Joseph Ugarteche MacLean, Roberto; Medrano Cornejo, Humberto; Normand Sparks Enrique; Osterling Parodi, Felipe; Pasco Cosmopolis, Mario; Pearl Velaochoga, Ernesto; Quispe Correa, Alfredo; Velaochoga Miranda, Guillermo, Rodriguez Pastor, Carlos, Vidal Ramírez, Fernando and Zolezzi Ibarcena, Lorenzo.
certainly before and after three or four years that we review and there were distinguished professors who gave and give their best to make this law school is the best in the country. Many students today are the outstanding professors at his alma mater. Suffice it to name the current president of the PUCP, Marcial Rubio Correa, who always stood out as one of the brightest students of law, and now occupies a privileged place as eminent constitutionalist.

was founded in 1944 by Dr. Javier Kiefer-Marchand, secretary of the Faculty, and with Hugo Piaggio, exercised the direction of the newly published until 1949. With unmatched effort, Kiefer-Marchand was devoted to publish annually until 1967, which relinquished the position. In 1968, Law was restructured in format and content. Incidentally, in parallel, in 1965, a group of students from the School, founded Themis magazine, among them Domingo García Belaunde and his fellow students and Jaime Rossello Kresalja Baldo Leon Thorne, who later created the Law Association Themis. Notably, the last of these funded from his own pocket the first editions of this important publication that evoked the name of the "Goddess of Justice." (Vid. Law No. 207 of 15.07.2008, p. 6).
Well, the Academic Program Management Law and the directors of the student association decided to merge the two publications in a single organ of expression, in the belief that college is a community of learners and teachers, agreeing to preserve the name of law for the next stage of the Journal of the Faculty. This was the magazine we would read avidly and religiously.
Law Today magazine is published promptly by the Publishing Fund PUCP efficiently directed by Mrs. Patricia Arévalo Majluf (Vid. Law N ° s 146, 147 and 188 of 05.22.2007 and 15 and 4-03 - 2008, respectively, p. 8). In 1989 College students publish the magazine "Law and Society", and in 1990, do the same with "Ius et Veritas."

If it is true that the School was transferred from the earthquake due to the Fundo Pando, in 1974, as we have noted, it is also true that he had to take several years to contain its own facilities and appropriate . Indeed, it was during the second dean of Jorge Avendaño Valdez when it began construction of new facilities including the auditorium. The classrooms were opened in 1988 and the following year the spacious and comfortable auditorium for 350 people. FULL STORY

personally do not know yet no comprehensive history of our beloved and remembered Faculty. Some years ago, we talked to our good friend and colleague Teodoro Hampe Martínez, renowned historian, who was commissioned to write one, however, for reasons unknown, this arduous and complex task remained unfinished. Consequently, we still lack this record. However, he has published several articles as "A Brief History of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru," in Synopsis, Year 8, No. 2 (1988), "Academic Life in the Faculty of Law: seventy years of history (1917 - 1987), "Part 1 and 2, Themis, 2 Times, 1988, in numbers 12 and 13. And finally, an interview with Professor William Velaochoga Miranda, Compass, PUCP, Year 1, No. 1 (2000). Notwithstanding
pointed out, recently, we said another historian, colleague and best friend, Carlos Augusto Ramos Nuñez, he is devoting to write the required history of our Faculty, which, no doubt, from discount and high quality, both in form and content of the work he is preparing. This is because, its historical and legal papers submitted do not have any precedent in our national legal history. The proof of this assertion, is in the History of Republican Civil Law, published in six volumes by the Fund Editorial PUCP, and also in the history of the Supreme Court of the Republic has recently circulated on the Judiciary.
Finally, therefore, look forward this story to remember 90 years of the Faculty of Law PUCP, and also return to live with the thought of extra years spent studying, analyzing and interpreting the Constitution of 1933, codes, laws and case law now repealed, however, the important thing was that we were taught the method and systems for doing so. Hence, we have been easier to analyze and interpret efficiently and effectively produced new legal order after years 70. Reason enough to reject the notorious name of "operator of law", as the success of the true lawyer is in good education, better analysis and excellent interpretation of the Constitution, laws and jurisprudence, highly intellectual work to creative and speculative-philosophical and logical, which is far from being a simple and simple implementations of the standard, that is, the operator, which acts mechanically without reason nor more intellectual effort.

not forget that the legal positivism that falls outside the fair, morals, values \u200b\u200band fundamental rights the man is being beaten by the neo-natural law that precisely what privileges Von Savigny, Kelsen and others never wanted to understand and less accepting. Recall that we also learned in Catholic Theology and Ethics Coroner, and many of those unforgettable teachers instilled in us values \u200b\u200band principles to be better, to defend just causes to fight for justice, freedom and democracy. Let us keep in mind this special comprehensive training that is doing great at our institution in its 90 years of life.


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