Thursday, December 30, 2010

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The enigmatic

A little-known culture sowed the Iberian Peninsula of enigmatic stone animals whose meaning or purpose are still a matter of debate for archaeologists. Are vettones.

One of the archaeological phenomena related to the Celts of Spain's most important has to do with sculptural representations of the Roman peoples who lived between the Douro and the Tagus, in the plateau Vetoni. Bulls, boars, pigs, bears, elephants may ... Crude sculptures granite of various sizes and found in such diverse areas that researchers have not yet agreed on its meaning - it may be several reasons for their production? -. These are called "boars" which is as known to this culture that contains more than 400 copies in a narrow strip of rock and forest. Correspond to the work of a group of artisans who tilled the rock and vetones provided to these shadowy figures, whose meaning has not been disclosed.

2,500 years ago ... The
vetones were Celts, living on livestock and prepared to be welded first class. Initiation rites for future warriors carved into the rock saunas and worshiped the forces of nature and celebrating human animal sacrifices on altars cave. They divided the territory extended between the Duero and Tajo, what is now Toledo, Cáceres, Salamanca, Avila, Zamora, Segovia and the Portuguese province of Tras-os-Montes and Beira Alta. They built fortified cities (oppida) more important in the Avila Valley Amblés in forests adjacent to the hills surrounding the city of Avila. In this framework carved boars, considered the most representative artistic expression Vetoni.
Curiosity about these ancient sculptures has responded to several patterns. The Romans used figuration of bulls and boars of small size in their cemetery, as a cist and cupa - symbol of the burial of someone whose ancestors worshiped vetones these animals, as is now done with the Cross? - or use them as blocks in the Middle Ages in important buildings such as the walls of Avila or more churches in this and other cities and towns in the area, perhaps with contempt in order to save grinding stone when they received good rock elements, and also carved -. And as the ages are so many turns to art, from the XVI century noble families by placing them in the gardens of their palaces - recognition their artistic value, their age, or an attraction of the mysterious power of these ancient sculptures to rich estates? -. Archaeological evidence and from the fifteenth century, the documentation of the chroniclers, put the construction of these sculptures in the Iron Age, from V-IV century a. C. Only since the late nineteenth century, a time when the figure of the archaeological research excavations have been made more systematic in vetones forts, trying to discover something of the past of pastoralists and warriors, and meeting with a culture full of mystery and doubt.

Any idea or image? Among
Gods and men have always been a strange relationship. Fear, love, fear, submission, protection ... different sides of the same currency in which the circumstances surrounding us are vital. In the case of the Celts, the forces of nature were the mystery of rain and rivers, the energy of the sun and moon, and strength and power of stone animals. Understanding what happened influenced to transform everyday items into objects of worship there.
"Worship the bull or stone? Or both? It is one of the unknowns of boars. Schematic figures, simple, very geometricized, therefore, when compared with the representations Iberian the same time, it is almost impossible to relate. Question of wealth, media, stupidity, or is it a vision sought, the mere representation of an idea without an effort figurative? Celts relations with nature was so marked that the idea may be just the combination of two natural elements central to his life: the rock on which they built their villages, protecting them and the bull, sacred animal classical mythology, charged, in this case, a sociological component that can not be ignored: one of his sources of wealth was cattle.
stones in worship and educated himself to the stones have also been associated with streams. For example, in the fort of Ulaca (Solosancho, Avila) found a boar near a spring, and next to the fort of El Raso (Candeleda, Avila) also found a copy beside a river, next to the pre-Roman Sanctuary Postolabosa. The presence of sculptures is tas extensive grasslands, as a milestone in the landscape, and some near villages and even within them, has played a sacred eat thereof, in relation to the protection of both livestock habitats. It has been more than seventy years since archaeologist Juan Cabral, one of the first forts dug vetones highlighted the magic-religious function of these zoomorphic figures, relating to rites of protecting livestock, fertility and reproduction of the species. Sculptures found in grassland areas especially rich in ravines near medieval on the edge of land and retailers - so sacred landmarks. There are theories that indicate even the boars trying to signal the possessions of the great warriors (the privileged in the hierarchy of settlements), as a symbol of social status. What remains to be confirmed is whether, in fact, bulls and boars found were at these places in their origins or, conversely, have been displaced from their location original over the centuries. Yes to some uncertainty about their movement, which calls into question the original location of the rest. What will be very difficult to figure out is when and why.

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vettones Stone Death , Hail

The Vetones cremated their dead. He was a Celtic ritual whose origins can be found in the heart of Europe, culture Umas Fields. The most powerful warriors took to the grave her trousseau, burned at the stake, over all, after being in a stone altar, according to Roman historians, waiting for psychopomps birds will take their secrets to another life.
Archaeological excavations have helped to unravel some unknowns of life and customs of the vetones. Castro is the case of the Mesa de Miranda (Chamartin de la Sierra, Ávila). Discovered by Antonio Miller in 1930, was excavated by him along with Juan Cabral, who was also responsible for another great work in this field excavations in the camp and the cemetery of La Cogotas (Cardeñosa, Avila). The large cemetery of La Mesa de Miranda, known as "the den" with the Las Cogotas have provided rich data on vetones, as the pyramid structure of villages and the importance of warriors and craftsmen in the social ladder. However, the evidence that the boars are related funerary elements not based on vetones necropolis, but the specimens found in Avila, from a Roman cemetery near the Romanesque basilica of San Vicente, in front of the wall.
references about vetones rituals are evident by the existence of outdoor shrines, carved into the rock of the land. The case of pre-Roman altar found in San Mamede (Villardiegua de la Ribera, Zamora), the Portuguese Panóias (Vila Real) or the sacrificial altar of chaste Ulaca (Solosancho, Avila), The latter is best known for his situation, the larger core of the whole area inhabited by the vetones, and ported the elements surrounding it. The rock altar is carved into the rock of the land and is surrounded by a space "sacred" or Nemeton. It consists of a surface with two pairs of carved stairs leading to a platform with several cavities communicated itself. Its sanctity has been determined by parallels with the altar found in Panóias Castro, containing Roman inscriptions referring to animal and human sacrifices in the field of culture and Celtic gods. Is thought to be a cult related to the bull or the Moon, by its location in one of the highest in oppidum. The Roman historian Strabo in his writings alluded to beliefs regarding the full moon in this whole region. Archaeologist Juan Cabré also highlighted his exalted heliolatría due to a ceramics found in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca) and weapons of Castro in Las Cogotas sun motif.
For other cults of astral significance, the archaeologist F. Fabian says bowing stones denote a hierarchical differentiation of areas of the necropolis of the den, are associated with a celestial constellation.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Honor the fallen

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Solstice Celebration at home

Since we live in a cosmopolitan society and locked in huge cities. Since all this should be added the failure of many of us to find people related to our spiritual consciousness, making it impossible to create a working party or group with which to celebrate the sacred rituals of our blood. FRS
Since we are going to propose individual or a family ritual to perform in your home, replacing the majority of group celebration.
I know we are insistent and heavy, but we recall once again that the ritualization of the celebrations is not to lead a religious concept thereof, but only a way to celebrate, remember and approach the traditions, legends and mythologies of our people.
few days ago we proposed to our readers, creating a "pagan Bethlehem" to symbolize a dolmen (gateway to the world of the gods).
This dolmen or spiritual place, will be our venue. So when the time of the solstice night, we will meet with the family (blood), and light a candle to symbolize the fire of the sun on the longest night. That fire
represent the so-called solar, cosmic force that will Gautúr to God to destroy the enemies of the world. (Gens - ethnicity / Othal - Patria)
Gautur was one of many name as the god Odin, which is closely related to the variant Gaut, god of the Goths, also known by some semi-late top names such as: Gautur, Gutar, Gautayr or Gautr.
Meeting and just before turning the solar flare at the door of the dolmen, recite a prayer:

Gautúr sun god, father of the solar swastika
Guide your soul in this night of darkness into the light Raise your spear
giants of the night to attack the world and reborn
victorious after the battle force.
May this fire we light in your name tea
After delivering the opening prayer, light the candle now before dinner. Recall that according to Jordanes
the nights of the solstices and other rituals Goths, it ended with a cultic banquet in honor of the gods.
After the dinner, we will celebrate the victory of the sun (gens / pater / father / ethnicity), making a speech before the flame indented.

Today we have gathered to celebrate the winter solstice sun
force and god reborn with a heroic ruler Gautúr
After winning a cosmic battle the forces of the night.
solar swastika, new queen n the sky
The sword of the god of the race
The flaming spear of light, Thousand Alzara glorious battles Claiming
his throne in the sky blue.
Gautúr the god father of our blood will overcome the demons

But fighting alone.
Each year, the spirit of our forefathers, fighting alongside the
Each year, the titans of our mythology, fight with him
Each year, the giant pillars of our race, Gothus, Valagothus and fighting alongside
Armenon he
Each year, we we went to celebrate his victory of fire, and fought with him.

After the ceremony, we can let the candle burn accompanying overnight and the triumph of the solar wheel. Or we can turn it off before the doors of our dolmen home, making a wish in private. Smoke symbolically
join our petition to the world of the gods through the smoke, just like people thought Celtiberians with cremation of corpses.

This simple ritual of remembrance, can be performed by private families, thus teaching the young children and youth, the pillars on the old traditions of our ancestors, and were these Goths, Celts, Romans or Hispanic.
also can be a good opportunity to meet friends coming to our ideas and spiritual tastes, having a meeting / dinner that will give a deeper character of union with the past and celebration of the solstice. Relying so this ritual becomes tradition for every year. And also hoping that holding the same, may lead to a neophyte wizard in the interest of the traditions of his people he is joined by the portal blood.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Types of Solar Energy Storage

Man, through various processes, has managed to transform solar energy so that we can now distinguish three types:
1 - Solar photovoltaics: Occurs when a portion of the solar radiation is converted to a photoelectric cell. Several cells are connected via a photovoltaic module.
2 - Solar thermal energy: this energy is used the heat from solar radiation. It presents a variety of ways: hot water heating, solar cooling, kitchens, solar dryers and solar thermodynamic plants.
3 - Passive Solar: This kind of energy is the oldest that was given to solar energy. It is generally used in buildings or houses. The benefit of using this energy in homes or buildings is that they would be contributing to important energetic savings.


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Why is stored solar energy?
solar energy is stored to meet demand because to their availability, in some places, is insufficient.

What are the storage systems?

storage systems are simple water and rock, but you can also use devices that are based on changes in particular phases of the salts that melt at low temperatures.

What are the batteries?

accumulators are used to accumulate the surplus electricity caused by wind or photovoltaic devices.


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

solar energy has a wide variety of benefits. These may include:
  • is a renewable energy
  • Reduces pollution
  • It is clean
  • The use of this energy is silent
  • light and heat from the sun can produce heat energy, mechanical, electrical and light
  • solar structures are easy to maintain
Like all energy, it also has its disadvantages. Some of these are:
  • There are places where the planet receives very little light, and this energy can be maximized
  • Only obtained during the day
  • installations of solar collector systems have very high costs
  • are vast tracts of land necessary to acquire this energy in large quantities
References: solar-advantages-and-disadvantages /

Alcides, J. Papaleo. Theme Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Science "Habitat," Matter, Energy, Man. Argentina. ALPA issues.

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How is Solar Energy?

The use of this energy is fairly new and is done mainly in two ways. One of them is based on reflecting the sun's rays so they come together in one place.
is usually achieved by means of mirrors when they have their axis oriented to the Sun concentrate all the rays on them, lie in a focus. Thus, we come to the point that depending on the size of the device, known to reach temperatures several thousand degrees.

The other way to exploit this energy is transformed directly into electrical energy, which is accomplished by using photocells (electronic device that permit and transform light energy into electricity through the photovoltaic effect) that mounted correctly, provide a very useful power (used to move or activate machines and instruments).

These devices also being increasingly applied in the Earth, equipped with large numbers of satellites and other spacecraft.

Reference: Encyclopedia

Clarín. Volume 9. Argentina. Audiovisual Encyclopedias VISOR. 1999

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Where Does Solar Energy?

solar energy from the sun and converted into useful energy for applications that gives human beings.
Here, the hydrogen atoms are fused continuously transforming helium. In this process a portion of the Sun becomes solar energy. Only a portion of it reaches Earth in the form of heat energy, light and radiant.

vegetables, using solar energy, combining inorganic materials with carbon dioxide to form an inorganic compound (glucose) that serves as food for herbivorous animals and plants. Thus, solar energy is converted into chemical energy through photosynthesis process. So the cycle begins again.


Friday, August 6, 2010

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Lohmann Villena tribute to Sevilla

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and the U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV. Guillermo Lohmann Villena

Lawyer. A graduate of the PUCP
Doctor in History.
Professor of History at his alma mater, the U. La Rabida and San Marcos University.
Rector of the University of the Pacific

Last June, the Archivo General de Indias paid a fitting tribute to one of our top iushistoriadores and Professor of History of Law, lawyer, historian and ambassador Guillermo Lohmann Villena (1915-2005 .) To that end, this ancient and important English institution placed his bust in the same room where another illustrious Peru, the great historian and jurist, Raúl Porras Barrenechea (Pisco, Ica 1897-Lima 1960), who was his teacher, friend and partner of sleepless nights and worrying about finding valuable documents in the file that keeps rich heart and soul of Hispanic America.
certainly Lohmann with Jorge Basadre Grohmann (1903-Lima Tacna 1980) and Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino (Lima, n, 1923), having been seduced as much by Clio Themis, are the most illustrious and distinguished professors History of Law that records our history in the twentieth century. However, both Lohmann as Ugarte del Pino, made the Archivo General de Indias second home, as he had done previously Porras. Therefore, proper recognition to one of his permanent visitors, to say the occupants. This led him to be an expert in Indian law provisions (see Law No. 253 of 06.02.2009). CEREMONY

renowned scholar's family participated at the important ceremony. Luca de Tena Paloma Lohmann widow was charged with the act of unveiling the bust of one who was her beloved husband. Was accompanied by her daughters Paloma, Rosario and Maria Rosa and her granddaughter Macarena Gil Lohmann.
The event was attended by the ambassador of Peru in Spain, Jaime Cáceres Sayan and other personalities. It was stressed then that Lohmann Villena considered to File "as your second home", given that he spent hours, days and weeks searching, researching and reviewing documents that helped him to build their valuable works that were always aimed at strengthening ties Hispanics -Peruvians. Data we collect from the excellent review of journalist Yolanda Vaccaro, written in Seville, in his capacity as correspondent for the newspaper El Comercio (Vid. Lima, Sunday 6.20.2010, p. c11).
We recall that in Seville, to learn of the death of Lohmann Villena, was paid a heartfelt tribute to have autonomous authority, the County and the Archivo General de Indias, the raising of the flag at half mast.

In 1999, she was awarded the PUCP Southern Peru in recognition of his outstanding work and significant contribution in the field of national history (humanities). To that end, he received $ 15 000 and medal José de la Riva Agüero y Osma. However, we believe that there is still pay more and fitting tribute to this illustrious and generous Peru. Guillermo Lohmann Villena
born in Lima on 17.10.1915 and died in this city on 14/07/2005. He devoted himself to historical research and law. Hence, the first doctoral graduate in History (1938) in San Marcos, where he studied the masterful Porras appreciated. His law degree he obtained in 1940 by the PUCP. Their studies had to revalidate at the San Marcos (24-04-1941), given that by then, PUCP not enjoy academic autonomy. At the same time, he received his diploma degree from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. PORRAS AND LOHMANN

Lohmann joined the diplomatic service group accompanying Porras, when he was appointed ambassador of Peru in Spain, in 1948. Both remained on the peninsula until 1950. Suffered the same fate as the ambassador because it faced a English authority Valencia insulted our national emblem, which led to a vigorous response "patriotic dignity" by Porras. This was not supported by the Peruvian government in command of the dictator, General Manuel Arturo Odría Amoretti, who was dismissed on 10.27.1948, the president and lawyer José Luis Bustamante y Rivero (1894-Lima Arequipa 1989). This led to Porras to resign (Vid. Legal N ° 165 of 09/25/2007. Lawyers yesterday and today: Raúl Porras Barrenechea).
These two years were fruitful for Lohmann, who at the same time to fulfill his diplomatic duties efficiency also took time to investigate in the old English archives, which were received with affection, both Raul Guillermo as many Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. BIOGRAPHY

In this vein, we believe that we owe a legal biography of our beloved teacher and friend, father of our fellow students in the Faculties of Arts and Law PUCP. We refer to Catherine and Guillermo (Memo) Lohmann Luca de Tena, today highlighted lawyer, member of one of the most prestigious law firms in the country, and that for reasons of force majeure, could not be present at this significant and important ceremony for the family not only Lohmann-Luca de Tena, but also, no doubt about possible, for Peru and all Peruvians.

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legal empiricism

(Posted in Law No. 310 of 07.06.2010). Francisco José

Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

article in honor of the renowned maestro José Félix Palomino Manchego (Lima, n. 1957) Professor of Philosophy of Law, Constitutional Law and Political Science at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, San Martín de Porres and Lima. Also, the Judicial Academy. Executive secretary of the American Institute of Constitutional Law (Section Peruana). Director of Professional Academic School of Law, San Marcos.

Legal Empiricism is a current or movement of philosophy of law whose origin is primitive or basic, no doubt, in the British empiricism promoted and disseminated the philosophers John Locke (1632-1704), George Berkeley (1685 - 1753) and David Hume (1711-1776). LEGAL Empiricism

This, however, developed mainly in France and Germany, unable to identify specifically any operator. Holds, namely that there is no law that manufactured or produced as a result of social facts, political, economic and historical factors that have been tested, made or given, as is, without interpretations or speculations later rationalistic character. In other words, deny, on the one hand, the existence of innate or natural rights of man, and on the other hand, the use of reason in the creation of law.
I suggest that is based on the law is a reality and evolution socio-cultural, which is generated and captured from the experience, the accumulation of knowledge acquired in the transition from the life of man in society, given that human beings are born without knowledge, is thus a "tabula rasa "or" blank. " Like its original source British empiricism rejected the excesses of rationalism as a means of knowledge-criticized legal empiricism rationalist natural law a priori by its desire to pigeonhole and even fossilized human rights and / or society develops its product knowledge from experience, that is, of lived experience, of what happened. This open
confrontation of empiricism against rationalism, the largest German legal philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), sought to establish a bridge between the two philosophies, restricting knowledge to the field of "post-experience", which coincided with the empiricists; however, also attributed to the mind's ability to recognize reality through reasoning, human faculty that is independent of experience. This, likewise, agreed with the rationalists. This new movement paved the way for the advancement and progress of a new empiricism in its various aspects that will be paid and empowered by the social positivist philosopher Frenchman Auguste Comte (1798-1857).
Consequently, legal empiricism of the legal experience of man and of peoples. That is, study, analyze and observe the existing law, experienced in this (current law) with respect to the law passed (historical law), comparing not only the institutions and legal norms, but also systems and different legal orders. Hence, within it, were generated several schools, having developed such as science or independent and autonomous legal disciplines that have subsequently supported the scientific law. They are, History of Law, Law Comparative Theory of Law, Sociology of Law, and, more recently, Ethnohistory, Anthropology and Archaeology legal, among others.

In this context, the legal empiricism also favored the inductive method (from the particular to general) which is the method of empirical science, and what law applies. This is part of specific points (individuals) that are observed and experienced in finding adequate, allowing lay down general rules for understanding the man and his will. This means that induction is achieved particular skills that allow us to formulate principles conclude that by describing a deduction (Idea and / or general theory). Mutatis mutandis, this is the scientific method. Undoubtedly occurs mainly in criminal law, criminology and Jurisprudence.
Indeed, not surprisingly, the legal philosopher and German criminal Adolf Merkel (1836-1896), although more positivist empiricist, found in his works that modern jurisprudence permanently applied empirically by this method. However, it is worth noting that the criticism and legal empiricism rejects the application of induction, have been extremely strong in the sense that the observations, experiments and findings that can be made out to be, no doubt, totally limited and even biased.
Hence, some argue that this is one of the main reasons why the legal empiricism has not been very successful and rather be deformed in various streams.
In fact, one of them, perhaps the principal, in England itself, was given the "utilitarianism", which was advocated by the legal philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). Another, also support taking legal positivism Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779-1861) and the amendments made by German jurist Rudolf von Ihering (1818-1892), is culminated in the "legal realism." It was developed by both American and Scandinavian schools. The first had as its most prominent representatives of the lawyers Roscoe Pound (1870-1964), Oliver Wendel Holmes Jr. (1841-1935) Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) and Julius Stone (1907-1985), distinguished professors at Harvard University. The second, known by the name of Uppsala School, recorded as the lead manager and broadcaster Axel Hagerstrom jurist (1868-1939), or also Hägerstrim, Swedish professor with over 40 years teaching law at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. His influence was evident after World War II significantly affecting the analytical normativism used to amend, in part, to legal positivism. In this trend, are the legal philosopher Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992), British lawyer professor at the universities of Harvard and Oxford (Vid. Law No. 284 of 01.05.2010, article by renowned Peruvian lawyer José Ávila Herrera) and Norberto Bobbio (Turin 1909-2004), Italian jurist, Professor at the Universities of Camerino, Siena, Padua and Turin, among others.

mainstream legal philosopher
To locate the legal empiricism within these streams, perhaps we could point as a hypothesis work the existence of six major potential movements. These are:
1. Theistic natural law that began in the seventeenth century BC (Code of Hammurabi, 1692 BC) to the s. AD XVI, with a number of variations and interpretations.
2. Rationalist natural law prevailing during the XVI and XVII of the AD, also known as the "legal rationalism." Among other mentors, were the Dutch legal philosopher Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), lawyers Samuel von Pufendorf Germany (1632-1694) and Cristian Tomasius (also known as thomasi or Tomasino, 1655-1728), the Prussian Christian Wolf (1679-1754), etc. On Grotius, lawyer Jorge González Bolaños wrote an interesting article (Vid. Law No. 284 of 01.05.2010).
is worth emphasizing that all of them advocated the secularization of law, away from the "creationist theory" or "theistic natural law." In short, he began the influence of positive law against the natural law, which was consolidated with social positivism of Comte, in the legal field will reach its peak with Von Savigny, in formulating his theory of "legal positivism" and the creation the "Historical School of law."
3. Legal Empiricism, breaking into the beginning of the seventeenth century until the eighteenth to dazzle, to be absorbed, in large part by the scientific mainstream in general and legal philosopher in particular happened. The first with Comte and the second with Von Savigny, as we noted.
4. Legal positivism that took advantage of the partial success of its predecessor to monopolize part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with the proposition of Von Savigny, both Von Ihering reformulated as Gustav Radbruch (1878-1949), providing more social content, however, later renovated, unfortunately, consistent with the ultimate source for the lawyer of Jewish origin Austrian-born American Hans Kelsen (1881 - Berkeley, California 1973). However
his resounding victory for the primacy of Romance and Germanic studies carried out by the most eminent German jurists then, legal positivism as both savigniano Kelsen, had problems in the twentieth century with the misuse given the Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. In the first case, the application of "Volksgeist" (soul or spirit of the people nationally), and, second, the rule of law ("dura lex, sed lex") over the values \u200b\u200bfundamental rights , justice, etc. Vital support of the "Pure Theory of Law."
5. Legal realism that comes originally from late eighteenth and early nineteenth seeking to impose, on the one hand, the "utilitarianism" British Staurt advocated by Bentham and Mill, and was gestated by empiricism iuspositivism legal and inheritance, creating, unfortunately, in our view-a both moral and legal relativism at the expense of ethical principles and core values. (Vid. Law No. 299 of 20.04.2010, the prominent young lawyer and prosecutor Juan Fernando Bravo Reategui).
The English empiricist philosopher and jurist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), joined the "utilitarianism", in that it raised an evaluative concept of the law in relation to the aims of conservation of the species and man, according to the law of progressive evolution in the world. Thus, the law governing a particular lifestyle in order that men and societies meet their needs in a real world that takes shape and materializes through experience.
Subsequently, legal realism was developed in schools, both U.S. and Scandinavia, with its own profile, as we have seen. These were strengthened and developed as a result of axiological problem that created the "Pure Theory of Law" made by Kelsen. Unfortunately, he was the victim of his own theory when he had to flee the Nazis not to die as a result of laws of the Third Reich, sternly applied, ignoring or disregarding the feelings of humanity and justice concept advocated his own theory.
6. Neo-humanistic natural law or natural law, which rescues and "receptionist" the best of previous calls from mid-twentieth century, after the terrible experience with Nazi legal positivism, the supremacy of the human being as an end and not as a means , so the law, state, and so on., shall be at your service, as envisaged by Kant in the past, leading to compliance, enforcement and respect for human rights, ethical principles and moral solidarity or autotelia the words of renowned legal philosopher and jurist Francisco Miró Quesada compatriot Cantuarias (Lima. b. 1918), distinguished professor of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos).
Miró Quesada says that "the legal system of a nation is but a set of laws that their people have created to perform certain purposes (...) The worthy man feels that the violation of their right, is the violation of law of all. And that sentiment rises to the ideal of justice. " Hence, we affirm that it is the beginning of a human, social, against the rampant law positivist, formalist, oblivious to the human and social sense.

In this vein, to define the overlap, overlap or receipt and continuity made legal positivism legal empiricism. Indeed, in our view, legal positivism empiricism was an evolution of law in the nineteenth century, no doubt, contributed new approaches, both very good and very bad for the law in the twentieth century.
In fact, let's start by the negative results, which have only been classified as such after having been seen and experienced. For example, the application of the law and the law in its pure form the concept and trial are definitely fixed, the lawyer, repeating, mutatis mutandis, the Latin for "Dura lex, sed lex," ie " the law is hard, but it is the law, "or the German" Gesetz ist Gesetz "which means" the law is the law ", as stated, first, Von Savigny (1779-1861), then defended by Attorney Julius Hermann von Kirchmann Berlin (1802-1884), although he criticized the scientific positive first wanted to give the law, supported, right or wrong in social positivism of Comte (1798-1857), as already noted .
other words less words, the thought of Von Savigny, was revised, expanded, redesigned and updated by Kelsen, who ended up being a victim of the "hard" Nazi laws, because he was Jewish, which forced him to emigrate to the United States before ending his days in Auschwitz or other concentration camp or among the human remains of the Holocaust.
Something else. The height of legal positivism came when the Nazis laid hands on him for his defense in the famous Nuremberg trials (1945-1949), who claimed that their acts had been perfectly legal at the time of its completion (positive law: law force) as they were not penalized (criminalized) and did not state a penalty for committing the same (principle of legality), as we have argued on previous occasions. (1)
Finally, consider the contributions positive. These translate into the desire to ascertain the scientific nature of law, the acceptance and development of schools that were generated within the legal empiricism, and that mentioned above. Among them, the History of Law, Comparative Law, Law Theory, etc.

Historical School of Law is true that this school was the one who conceived and developed the history of law, which, today, no doubt, is recognized by the scientific community as a social science. Privileged status in the world of empirical science or specific calls, as Spencer called them. Among them are science nature and science in society and in the latter group comprises sociology, history, anthropology, archeology, political science, linguistics, economics, etc.
Well, the History of Law in its capacity as science provided its scientific nature, as well as comparative law, so that the law should be recognized as "normative science." I argue that, in honor of the legal and historical truth, was held in Peru, the Peruvian epistemologist Elguera Julio César Sanz, Ph.D., distinguished professor and director of San Marcos University Graduate School of the same university who died prematurely unfortunately for our scientific community. Sanz
Elguera-who was our dear teacher and deeply regret the irreparable loss, "said the law is a science of society and thus placed it in his classification, (2) contrary to what the epistemologist Mario Augusto Bunge Argentina (Buenos Aires, n. 1919), also our teacher and friend, that the law is a social scientific or technical socio-scientific technique at the service of man, is based on science, although it is not science, and it is not because it seeks the truth, which is the raison d'être of science (3).
Results This situation definitely recognizes that the history of law is a social science and the law is a normative social science, well beyond the "romantic history" of this school. Indeed, the origin corresponds to German Romanticism developed brilliantly by the philosopher Friedrich Schelling Germany (1775-1854), who favored the creation and aesthetic character. For him, style is the highest form of knowledge and recognition of the whole. In other words, it is the individual man to society, the people, namely, the subjugation of the whole.
In this vein, the German empiricists who adhered to empiricism English developed and propagated by Locke, Berkeley and Hume, saw a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that the German folk spirit (Volksgeist) is a product of experience and is also acquired by it, which undoubtedly was encouraged by the nation and German Empire.
Thus, the society (nation) is a reality that manifests popular spirit in recorded history, which is and must be collective, the people, social, not individual, considering that man so he has no one-man domain of social organization (society). It is therefore an edge and charm of German nationalism incubated since the creation of the Holy Roman Empire by King Otto I the Great, in 976 AD, and developed until 1806, when Emperor Francis II of Austria, which was terminated before Napoleon Bonaparte Swirl, Emperor of France. This is what I know as Reich. Next will come the II (1876-1918) and III (1933-1945), always under the inspiration of "Volksgeist" with the dire consequences of the I (1914-1918) and II (1939-1945) World Wars, caused by unhealthy obsession of a superior German spirit, unfortunately, led by ailing minds.
other words less words, the exaltation of German folk spirit (Volksgeist) was collected and disseminated by the illustrious Roman-Germanic jurist Gustav Hugo (1764-1844), professor at the universities of Heidelberg Göttig and who greatly influenced the thinking of students, especially, Karl Friedrich Eichhorm (1781-1854) and Georg Friedrich Puchta (1798-1846). These were ordered to do so in force in Germany at that time, resulted mainly in the "vices" of "ethnocentrism and legal historicism." Not being a student of Hugo, professor of Roman law, Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779-1861), joined the crusade and soon after the movement led legal positivist historicist, taking as a starting point Comtean social positivism, as we have already pointed
Well, in this context is that Von Savigny created legal positivism and the Historical School of Law. He and his followers claimed that the law is a product of social and historical evolution of the people who express popular spirit (Volksgeist) first in their habits (past, customary law) and then in their written policies that are collected by the legislature, who puts on condition of existing law, the current (positive law), so, mutatis mutandis, opposed to the codification of Napoleon, to the legislation, however, indirectly helped to Comparative Law, given that highlighted and interested by the existence of any and any legal, even while privileging the Roman law as a model and patron of the legal creation of man.
But in honor of the historical truth, Von Savigny did not know the existence of Sumerian legal system older than the 2000, boasting the Code of Hammurabi, dating from 1692 BC, perfectly finished writing. This finding in 1903, studied and analyzed places the Sumerian civilization and the creator of law and no doubt move to a second place to the Romans, given that the Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians and Greeks "reception" and spread this right the same was received by the Romans to develop its unique Law of the Twelve Tables, dated 450 BC (Vid. Law No. 256 of 23.06.2009, the prominent young lawyer and historian of law, keycol E. Arévalo Silva).
certainly could draw a picture of the "monuments" archaic law on the basis of theories of knowledge both empirically Comtean taking by:
1. Theological, the Sumerian legal orders (Code of Hammurabi) and Hebrew (Tables of the Law), where man-king justified his actions in the divine mandate to subjugate other men.
2. Metaphysical, the Egyptian (Ancient laws Egyptian Maar Code and Book of the Dead) and Indian (Code of Manu), where the high priests create abstract ideas to explain the nature and its laws.
3. Positive, the Spartan and Athenian legal orders (Constitution of Lycurgus and Solon, respectively), Chinese (Great Rule of Chang and Code of Confucius) and Roman (Law of the Twelve Tables), where the man produces laws for other men outside the divinity and abstractions, looking rather objective criteria and indicators and where possible transhistorical universal validity. This, without denying, the existence of a higher reality which is the limit of knowledge is human and where, exactly, concludes or terminates the experience. "

In summary, the Historical School rejected both the rationalist natural law as a codification proposed earlier by the distinguished French lawyer Jean Domat (1625-1696) and Robert Joseph Pothier (1699-1772), to curb the disorderly collection or compilation of laws, I argue that, fortunately, was picked up first by Prussia to present its Civil Code in 1794. The second was France, with its Civil Code of 1804 or the Napoleonic Civil Code of 1804 "and, thirdly, Austria with the same corpus juris of 1811.
The historicist argued, then, that the coding stagnant development of the law by the synthesis and systematization placed on it, engage in stability and permanence, with the consequence that comes to sterilize the common law, customary law being the main source of new law, and, moreover, fossilize the popular mind (Volksgeist) and soul or tradition (heritage) of the people to generate their own rules through history, given that the law is human reason but on the experience of the people. Note, therefore, the marked influence empiricist.
For this position and use of big words laden with a deep and even skewed nationalism, this school was hard criticized, among others, by German lawyers and legal philosopher Heinrich Ahrens (1808-1874) and Eduard Gans (1887-1991). The latter was inspired by Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772-1840).

Comparison, certifying and establishment of the variety of legal systems in their peculiarities, or originality, without doubt, provides a better understanding and separately to each of them. Just as
Legal History, Comparative Law applies the empirical or scientific method to legal content being studied. Get him, of course, a plausible and even objective validity, however, by no means absolute, given the existence relativity of scientific knowledge. This outline was renewed and sustained by the philosopher and historian of American science Thomas Kuhn (Cincinnati 1922-Cambridge 1997), arguing the relativity of each scientific paradigm, and, well, the Austrian epistemologist Paul Feyerabend (Vienna 1924-1994) , asserting the incommensurability of knowing and known content.
other words less words, scientific truth applies, but is relative because it is not universal and infinite in time, but valid for a period of time, concepts, etc. That is, the truth becomes relative. Hence, Sanz Elguera, always told us and said as a slide show for one of our publications: "The fact that theories of positivism on the principle of verification, confirmation and falsification have been insufficient to resolve the epistemological problems raised in your environment does not mean, nor could mean that the truth science-that science does when he does, by the application of scientific method does not count when it comes to knowledge of reality. Truth is relative, not absolute, even for just facts. But the truth of particular propositions and general propositions is the most reliable, accurate and the most rigorous in the case of the facts and regularities. Not knowing this is plunged into the world of irrationality (4)
Historically, the first to write a rigorous formulation of Comparative Law, Paul was the German jurist Anselm Feuerbach (1755-1833). Then the French would take it to Eugene Lerminier (1803-1857) and Jean Jacques Foelix Gaspar (1791-1853). Later, the Italians with Amari Emeric (1810-1870), who followed guidelines of who preceded him nearly a century, Juan Bautista Vico (1668-1744). The English with Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Austin (1790-1859), were also in the same direction, etc. (5)
Indeed, to better understand the legal empiricism would necessary to note briefly some notes on the origin of empiricism, English philosophical movement of great importance and great development, a topic we will discuss another time.

-------- (1) DEL SOLAR, José Francisco. The Science of Law: the natural law to legal positivism. Rectorate Notebooks No. 17. Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Presentation Linan Luis Cervantes. Joseph F. Epilogue Palomino Manchego. Lima. 2009. pp. 40-68.
(2) Elguero SANZ, Julio César. Introduction to Science. Amaru Editores. First edition. Lima. 1987. p. 120.
(3) BUNGE, Mario Augusto. I International Course: Term of Philosophy. University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Lima. 1996. (Conference of July 8, 1996).
(4) Elguero SANZ, Julio César. Introduction to the work of DEL SOLAR, José Francisco. The science of public relations (epistemological focus). Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Graduate School. Lima. 1996. p. 3.
(5) SARFATTI, Mario. Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law. First Edition. 1945. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM).

Teebage Male Monologues

Sport, law and order

(Posted in Law No. 309 of June 29, 2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law History and Communication Studies.
Professor of Law at the UIGV.

no doubt that the sport was born and developed before the law. This statement is unobjectionable in Greece, circa 800 years BC It also appears that precedes the legal codes of ancient Sumerian king, Urnamunu, Shulgi and Hammurabi. The latter dates from 1692 BC However
compare the cultures of two different races or Indo-Aryan Greeks and the Sumerians Semitic-sport, from ancient times, it made no difference with respect to them. Consequently, the sport grew in all villages, because, ultimately, is a product of socio-cultural evolution of them. Thus came the first sports disciplines or specialties with their own rules, regulations and rules specific sport before the origin of the law. In fact, sports tournaments and even the Olympics themselves, with rules and regulations themselves were above the constitutions of Lycurgus and Solon, circa 600 BC
These rules, regulations and rules were progressively sports in a social order the man began to develop to the extent that increased and improved social life through several centuries. Claim that we can include in the Aristotelian pose politikoom zoom, that is, man is a political animal, is ie, social, preferring to live in society. However, in these societies developed, first, sports in general, and then specialized manner. RIGHT

From the above, we can argue that the social order is also above the law, both in Sumerian and in the Indo-Europeans. Came within the religious context, family, sports, etc. Activities that constitute the fundamental basis of this order to be developed, refined and strengthened without requiring a legal order, necessarily. In other words, there may be a social order without a legal order, however, if the latter fail to develop in the passing of that society, no doubt, will be much better, both for the social group as to humans-individually-that constitutes it.
Like sport, the law is a product of socio-cultural development of peoples over the centuries. For example, the Sumerians began to live in society circa 5000 BC, but only after 3000 years, first came the first legal codes, as already noted. The receptionist Hebrew and Sumerian law expanded through Phoenicia, Greece and Egypt. The Romans did the same with the Athenian law, etc. And so we developed a Western law was later "given bound, first by Alexander the Great, for a short time, and then by the Roman Empire for many centuries. YEARBOOK

Today the rules, regulations, rules and sports rules fall within the international sports system have their own regulations for each of the sports world recognized and practiced and developed in different nations of the world. However, institutions (clubs, associations, corporations, etc.) To join, promote and represent these disciplines are subject to national law for the nation-state to which they respectively belong.
In this context, within the expertise of law Right now recognizes the sport as a separate legal discipline, which grows bigger every day more. Well, this new specialty international sport reconciles the order issued by major sports federations (FIFA, UEFA, FIVB, etc.) With the national law of the countries that integrate and participate in worldwide events.
Hence the immense importance of the Ibero-American Sports Law Yearbook directing Antonio Millan Garrido and Luis Cervantes Linan, who in the following pages are the presentation of this work. The Advisory Council is made up Lester Jose Luis Carretero, Amalia de la Riva, Domingo García Belaunde, José Manuel Meirim Da Silva, Luciano Parejo Alfonso, and Gabriel Real Ferrer, who are prominent lawyers, sports and information. Finally, Joseph F. Mario Seoane Palomino Manchego and Linares, the secretaries of this extraordinary publication.
Yearbook ... has correspondents in Brazil (Domingo Savio Zainaghi), Spain (Javier Rodríguez Ten), Guatemala (Rada and César Augusto Conde Obdulio Mario Reyes Aldana), Mexico (Jose Luis Valley Cosio), Paraguay (Gerardo Luis Acosta Peres), Peru (Fernando Ramirez and Enrique Vidal Varsi Rospigliosi), Portugal (Maria Jose Carvalho), Uruguay (Edgardo Ettlin), and Venezuela (Miguel Mansilla Marcos Marcos Pernia and Oviedo). Take
presentation specialist Gabriel Real Ferrer, which establishes the number of Law, and also the note of the directors. Its content is divided into: 1. Doctrine, emphasizing the article "Considerations on the merits of Sports Law" by José Luis Carretero Lester, "The electoral system of the English sports federations," Antonio Millán Garrido, "The challenge of FIFA to the power of sovereign states order the system of sports federations: the case Burga (Peru) and Villar (Spain) " Ten Javier Rodríguez, among others. 2. Notes, excel Fernando Vidal Ramírez dealing with "sports marketing", 3. Legislation, contains the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code 4. Court, and 5. Book reviews. Moreover, this publication, with more than 650 pages, it is timely to the "FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010", and also fills a huge gap in this highly specialized literature.

Cervical Cancer Jab Which Hurts More

directory" my one heart "of John F. Monroy Galvez

(Posted in Law N ° 308 of 06/22/2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of Law at the UIGV.

In two volumes, the leading litigators Ica, Juan Federico Monroy Galvez (Pisco, n. 1950), presents the second revised edition of his extraordinary work for "my other heart," Law, Process and other troubles, edited by Communitas, Lima, April, 2010 (Volume I, 524 pp, Volume II, 382 pp.). The first edition appeared in June 2000 and was widely accepted in our legal community.
In fact, read or reread Monroy is a great pleasure and a sincere invitation to reflection and awareness we have a moral obligation to be better. Article after article, paragraph by paragraph, line by line, the author spread his humanism full of love and identification with Peru, with democracy, with justice, equity, etc. All this, full of friendship, appreciation and hope for change. Hence, his permanent virile and courageous denunciation of injustice and abandonment in which millions of our countrymen. To these, our legal system, political, social and economic development has given back, and who calls for greater concern and attention directed towards achieving them as human beings and as Peruvians.

For all we can think of and adhere to the feeling of Monroy Galvez are part-to say of him," my one heart ", that is, are and will be" friends "of John Frederick, as well as understand this equation Guarao native tribe, belonging to the great river Orinoco. In short, the work of this distinguished jurist is a responsible and sincere call to close ranks in favor of large national majorities from the past, expect to be justice for more and better public services-health, education, security, etc. .- enabling them to fight and be forged themselves a better future.
Paola the beloved daughter of Monroe, occupies a privileged place in the dedication. The eminent philosopher, jurist, journalist and teacher San Marcos, Francisco Miro Quesada Cantuarias (Lima, n. 1918), enchants us with accurate, concise, beautiful and compelling introduction, full of humanism, secure and satisfied with the legion of loyal followers and admirers of his thought, and as to which John Frederick, complete and fully adhere. AUTHOR

Juan Federico Monroy Galvez is Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Lima. Former professor at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), where he graduated as a lawyer. Member of International Association of Ibero-American Institute and the Peruvian Association of Procedural Law. Ex-judge Court of Human Rights, based in Costa Rica. About
Monroy Galvez, wrote his biography in this supplement legal provisions (see Law No. 90 of 18.04.2006. Pp. 9-11). On that occasion, said: "Juan Federico Monroy Galvez is a model of man, lawyer and family man who dreams with the people, hoping that in the not too distant future, there is justice, truth and love in the country, order to attain spiritual development and material progress that we should all Peruvians. " WORK

Cantuarias Miró Quesada, says in the foreword: "The issues addressed are varied, ranging from the concept of duty to the excitement of football. But they contain a constant. A passionate love for Peru. But this is not an outdated chauvinistic love. His love is realistic. It is a love, despite the negative aspects of our country, anything salvageable that exist in our history, it is a love of Peru as it should. It is a love of the future. "
The conspicuous prologue, immediately afterwards, adding:" In all the articles that constitute the book emerges, clear and strong, another constant: the struggle for justice, the withdrawal by the oppression and rebellion against a reality that seems to deteriorate each day. This constant is humanism. Only by facing the problems that beset us from an authentic humanism, in which every individual is an end in itself and not an instrument in the hands of unscrupulous individuals or groups of economic and political arrogance, we can overcome a situation in which field the dishonesty and injustice. His whole book is a commitment to himself, demanding to anxiety, with Peru we all are. So our first obligation is to fight for the underprivileged Peruvians, who are the most, and poverty are discussed in seeking a job, day to day, further away from their hands. "
In 2000, the book Monroy was highly suggestive and important for understanding our reality. Hence, the teacher Miró Quesada, said: "It is difficult to decide which items have impressed me most. In all of these thoughts are interesting, attractive writing style and creative originality. "Today, after 10 years, remain vital to the study and reflection on our weaknesses and ailments, and with the noted philosopher may add:" The chapters ( the book) show that while not change the legal system that governs today in our country can not take a single step toward the humanization of Peruvian society. "
Anything else in general, are items that were published in the newspapers El Comercio and La Republica, from 1985 to 2000. We stress that Juan Federico wrote and reported, with courage, wisdom and courage, which autotilados other attorneys-lawyers, but very far from being recognized as "silent and rather preferred the positions and salaries before the robe and example future generations. Front faced the fujimontesinismo corrupt and defiling the true anesthetist popular demands, the requirement of the dignity and primacy of institutions. Hence the great value of this jurist, this fighter for just causes, this man's singular and exemplary husband and parent, special friend and companion. INTRODUCTION TO LAW

Indeed, the book has a varied theme impossible to summarize in a newspaper commentary. However, we will highlight three or four key areas in our modest opinion. Let's see. Coming from Reality
, Juan Federico demands better secondary education, which should include the course "Introduction to Law" for young Peruvians know and defend their rights and fulfill their duties, which, ultimately, prevent increasing social conflicts in intersubjective relations of future citizens.
This, without doubt, avoid misinformation-that law manifests itself in powerlessness, and which supports an unjust social system, however, so definitely, help to reduce corruption, violence, injustice and misery. At the same time, also demands better pay for teachers, judges, public health, education, etc.

APPLICATOR Commonly called "operator of law" that, mutatis mutandis, the mere literal applicator of the rule of law, without value or think about the facts, circumstances, culture and social levels. That is, apply the law as if it were a technical catalog which mechanical operator procedure. Hence, Monroy, says: "that the court interpreter requires a high standard hierarchy that includes the power to break the infamous corset reducing its role to that of an applicator letter of the law."
There is no doubt that this is the purest and stale legal positivism against which we are humanists or neoiusnaturalistas lawyers. We feel like the German legal philosopher Hermann Kantorowicz (1787-1940) that the judge can and must resolve against the supremacy of law (contrarius legem) or in the words of Monroe: "The important thing is to make the constitution-the constitution- that any judge granted the authority to bring standard to this case, creating the right step. "We follow the proposals of Miró Quesada y Monroy, have written against the" wretched name "of" operator the right "(see Law No. 101 and 102 s, 4 and 07/11/2006, respectively, and El Peruano, 09.09.2008. p. 13. Carlos Augusto Ramos Núñez, Law No. 172 of 13.11.2007).

a national problem with honesty and sincerity Meridian, Monroe said: "No law or magic potion is going to solve a national problem, it is regularly product of a historical process in which intelligence or fraud have mortgaged the solution creditors petty but powerful " (...) "A national identity is constructed with a description of the past that after condemning us. Much less if it is harboring a story that anyone be proud to (...) "Only when we really who we are, we know who we are and, above all, what we must do to reach that awareness loi us to be" . We agree with Monroe because we have to rewrite our national history. Nationalism and patriotism are good at as they are not unhealthy because they distort reality, you lose objectivity. All the history we know is full of historicism and ethnocentrism, which has caused much damage and has taken us a wrong way but fortunately we have begun to change from 2000. In this sense, I think John Frederick and his supporters should be proud and satisfied that the teacher has "plowed the sea" as stated by the Liberator Bolívar, to see how crumbled his great work for freedom, independence and integration.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Staube Cookware Vancouver

criminal terrorist criminal personality

(Posted in Law No. 306 of 08.06.2010, p. 7)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Master in Criminal Law. Criminologist Professor at the UIGV

In 1987, after a year of intense theoretical deep scientific and empirical research in the field of criminology, we determine the "criminal terrorist criminal personality." Then for the first time in the country, said the designation and the danger of this antisocial, separated from other dangerous criminals and, consequently, placing it in a concrete and specific in the respective classification. Eila

The criminal terrorist was associated with the operational concept of "Criminal Personality"-which, in 1963, developed the famous French criminologist Jean Pinatel (1919-1999) - and product studies and empirical research Could criminological identificársele the acronym (Eila). This, because these offenders are characterized by: self (believed to be the elected or want to be the center of attention). Indifferent mood (they are evil). Labile (apt to fall into crime or easy to pass the criminal act). Aggressive (they have great natural ability of violence and destruction).
Hence, the narco is unable to experience emotions or inclinations altruistic and cooperative. Imposed on itself a process and binds Corruptor with others around the terror and moral depravity.
what basis and how was this done? Let's see. STUDIES

study Criminology at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) under the direction of one of the most illustrious American criminologists, Professor Venezuelan Francisco Canestri Pinatel disciple. He was professor at the University of Paris, a magistrate and inspector general of the Administration, President of the Scientific Committee and Honorary Secretary General of the International Society of Criminology, and author of a copious intellectual output of their specialty.
Canestri was the main promoter in Latin America of Pinatel criminological ideas. Introduced as required reading, Volume III, under the title of Criminology, for his dear Professor Gallo. Work on the one hand, it was translated into English for the wife of Francisco, Ximena Rodriguez Canestri also prominent lawyer, a criminologist and university professor who served as director of the School of the Judiciary (Venezuela), and other hand, published by the Faculty of Law of the UCV (Caracas. 1974. 760 pp.) The volume is part III of the Treaty on Criminal Law and Criminology, which Pinatel published together with the eminent French professor Pierre criminal Bouzat president International Association of Penal Law.
Well, with this rich academic foundation criminological Canestri never spared any effort with his disciples and us With great generosity taught everything he knew. We got away from him to our return to the country in 1979 after we learned everything we could show that we were able to implement it. RESEARCH AND PRACTICE

Since 1980 we were teachers in the Training Center of the Investigative Police of Peru-CINPIP-(School Official). Among the courses were taught Criminal Law and Criminology. It was then when all Peruvians surprised us the beginning of longer and more bloody episode that has seen our country: 5/17/1980, by burning ballot boxes on election Chuschis (Ayacucho). For the first time, appeared on behalf of the Peruvian Communist Party-Shining Path (SL) as the perpetrator. The de facto government of General Morales Bermudez Cerruti in one way or another, limited both research and the dissemination of facts. Error and confusion continued in the first three years the government of President Belaunde Terry, with ups and downs in the political, legal, social, military and police. Throughout 1982
follow the National Defence Course dictated annually, then, Centre for Advanced Military Studies (CMEA), now National Center for Higher Studies (CAEN). Some participants-military, police and civilians, we must deal to study the causes and consequences of the escalation of violence that was enveloping the country. Analyze and compare the terrorist actions in other countries and we note that, since 1981, international terrorism was openly pursued with the collaboration of the international community in accordance with the Public International Law (DIP) as the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held in Madrid, Spain.
police returned to the classroom, both cadets and officers and top managers in 1983. In practical work with them began a painstaking research, analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon of terrorism, especially when In June 1984, he joined another gang of criminals under the name of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), increasing the national problem of terrorism, common crime and insecurity.
In 1985 we were invited to teach at the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (UIGV). It was logical that the main national problem was studied in the course of Criminology. Along with the university students have sought to him in 1986. I learned and practiced in the UCV with Canestri, was essential. Develop guidelines Pinatel ideas about their operational concept of the "Criminal Personality." Conducted interviews, surveys accused and tried for terrorism in different prisons, content analysis of hundreds of documents and publications, etc. The work is concluded in May 1987. It was published in the Journal CAL Forum, July-December 1987. LXXIV Year-N ° 2. pp. 169-186.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Do Birds Sleep On Roofs?

Origin and Diversity cientificidad

(Posted in Law No. 305 of June 1, 2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Sciences
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

is of particular importance to analyze and compare the legal orders Indian, Greek and Roman archaic because we allow on the one hand, be very clear conception of what was the law for the three Indo-European peoples, compared, for example, Sumerian and Hebrew rights which belong to companies Semitic race, and, therefore, older. On the other hand, meet the demand or requirement of the science of comparative law, which nourished the other legal science is the history of law, the scientific underpinning of the law. In other words, that is, both comparative law and legal history have made law can reach a scientific level, with the methods required by the social sciences: observation, research, analysis and comparison. Hence which is now abundantly clear that the law is a normative social science. EARLY STAGE

then, the source of law, for the Semites involved a heavy dose of the link, mandate and destiny of God to men, creating a "religious legal system" in order to positive rules of natural law (Code Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments or Tables of the Law), while, in one way or another, this right is collected, re-created and perfected by the Indo-European is far away from God, to believe that the creator of the men are privileged or town same, resulting in a "positive legal system" that began with the Vedas in India and reached its peak with the Roman civilization (The Code of Manu, the constitutions of Lycurgus and Solon and the Law of the Twelve Tables). The latter was precisely that served the Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779-1861), to develop both its "Historical School of Law" as their concept of "positive law." Von Savigny

result, and so, it allowed Von Savigny distinguish the "historical law", which was the set of legal rules and institutions were no longer in force and under consideration of the history of law, against "Right positive ", which is the legal order and legal institutions-laws in force and that, therefore, must be met, mandatory and strictly enforced, regardless of their goodness, evil, justice, injustice, etc.
But something else and it is of utmost importance. That is, point and always remember that the "Old Law recitals ever had, why had to have them, as made by the gods, was not required to give reasons? Not discussed, it was necessary, was based on the individual authority and obeyed her because they had faith in them, "said Professor Denys Fustel de Coulanges Numa (1830-1889). The law was written
by priests in the various Indo-European societies. Before you have them written to memory and remembered through songs and hymns that are recited mandatory, as Aristotle said the philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). Moreover, it is presumed that the earliest texts of the laws were written in verse, ie were true and beautiful verses. So in the Code of Manu. Scientist

Finally, in this order of ideas, the history of law began to study, analyze and to compare legal systems of societies that were the subject of his investigation, until the scientific rigor of the method of comparison was more stringent for the analysis of comparative law, which raised its level of scientific, making it recognized as normative science. Without doubt, its profit was greater when the comparison was made legal for "legal systems and legal families" different, ie comparing the Anglo-Saxon with the Roman-Germanic, or Muslim or east to the above, etc.
This will undoubtedly be more feasible to consider the possibility of a General or Universal History of Law, theme originally made by German legal philosopher Mario Enrique Ahrens (1808-1874), continued and spread his pupil Joseph Köhler (1849-1919 .) Applied with great skill the French historian De Coulanges Subsequently, it has reopened the iushistoriador Mitteis Germany Heinrich (1889-1952), an idea accepted with approval by his English colleague Alfonso García-Gallo and Diego (1911-1992). CONCLUSION

Finally, this wealth of scientific and universality of both the history of law and comparative law, applying the scientific method of analysis, interpretation and comparison was possible to ensure and affirm the category of science policy for the law . Likewise, today it is undisputed that the history of law and comparative law are the scientific disciplines of law.

Watch Katies Playground

law and legal complexity J. Armando Guevara Gil

(Posted in Law No. 296 of 30.03.2010, pp. 4-5)

Lawyer PUCP and the U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

Editorial Fund of the Pontifical University of Peru (PUCP) has published a valuable book entitled Diversity and legal complexity. Approaches to the Anthropology and History of Law, professor of the upper house of studies, Jorge Armando Guevara Gil, his law degree from the same university and a master's degree in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Work not only try to summarize but also to comment or apostille under to share the same intellectual interests with the author.

BOOK is dedicated to her father (Rene Guevara Ochoa), and their children Sebastian and Alonso Guevara Urteaga. The author expresses his sincere gratitude to his wife and colleague, Patricia Urteaga Crovetto, as well as colleagues and friends who spared no efforts to materialize his work in ink and paper, and arrives at all interested in these issues vital to better understand our past and understand their real and objective dimension to our present, so that we can project or plan efficiently and effectively our future.
certainly Gil Guevara's book, which compiles a series of deep investigations were published in brainy articles published in academic journals either from abroad or the country, has the special virtue of its continuing relevance to the extent not resolved or overcome the problems of inequality, social exclusion, marginalization and poverty and extreme poverty that unfortunately characterizes our nation. In this sense, the introduction of Fernando de Trazegnies, who was his professor at the Faculty of Law PUCP makes a successful and accurate summary of what this work.
In this vein, the book with 354 pages, is divided into two parts. The first, devoted to the anthropology of law. It contains 6 chapters that develop: I. Legal pluralism; II. The structural causes of legal plurality in Peru, III. Bases for the study of legal diversity; IV. Water, law and diversity; V. Mirages developers and community autonomy. The impact of development projects on Lake Titicaca (1930-2006), and VI. The anthropological survey in the Superior Court of Justice of Loreto.
The second part addresses the fascinating topic of legal history in four chapters continue with the numbering of the previous section. She contributes to spreading the real new concept of true scientific history Andes, which was initiated in our country for the ethnohistorian Ukrainian-born American, John Victor Murra (Odessa 1916-New York 2006) and successfully continued by the national historians of Diez Canseco Maria Rostworowski (Barranco, Lima, n . 1915) and our teacher pointed at the Faculty of Arts PUCP, Franklin Pease García-Yrigoyen (1939-1999). The chapters in question are: VII. Law, history and social sciences. Dialogue between Carlos Ramos Núñez and Armando Guevara Gil. Legal Forum: Why bind Right and History, Law and Social Sciences?. VIII. A visit from Indians and creating political ritual "Indians" in the colonial Andes. IX. The chiefs and the "natural dominion" in the colonial Andes (Peru, XVI century). X. Between freedom and vows. The tribulations of Sister Dominga Gutiérrez (Arequipa, 1831). AUTHOR

PUCP is advocated. Won a scholarship to pursue a master's degree in U.S. university indicated above. He is currently associate professor in the Department of Law and Graduate School of their alma mater. In 2008, he received the Research Award PUCP (Class teacher) for his work: "Mirages developers and community autonomy." Item included in Chapter V, the book said.
Guevara Gil is an ordinary member of the Riva Agüero institutes for the Promotion of Water Management (IPROGA) and American Art Affiliate Cusco-Lima. Has been national coordinator of the Water Law and Indigenous Rights (WALIR-Peru, Wageningen University & ECLAC). Jorge Armando
recorded several publications to his haber.Entre others, land and property law colonial hacienda Documents Santotis, Cuzco. (1543-1822), published in 1993, Water and Law (editor with Rutgerd Boelens and David Getches, 2006); law, institutions and historical processes (editor with José de la Puente, 2008) Water rights and conflict in Peru (editor, 2008), etc.

Those who are interested in history and legal reality of the country, we can not miss or ignore this important new publication PUCP Publishing Fund, directed with great success by Arévalo Patricia Majluf, given that this book develops current debate topics such as cultural diversity and legal complexity in the multicultural field. Words words less, Guevara Gil argues that "diversity can not be eradicated, but rather cultivated to create forms of social life ever more human and in this task, the role of law is fundamental."
In this context, author "raises new perspectives of analysis and reflection that allow us to understand the social force of law, its influence in the shaping of society and the vibrant diversity and regulatory complexity that characterizes the Peruvian society. " Hence, calls for "tolerance, democracy, respect for different ways of thinking and the protection of cultural differences."
Well, we think the future of the law is developing and implementing vision and interpretation from an interdisciplinary and multicultural approach. This is because, finally, the law is a cultural experience and social development that goes beyond, way beyond, Constitution, laws, decrees, resolutions, etc.. Without doubt, the law involves jurisprudence, doctrine, legal and cultural customs, conceptions of life and hope of the people who generate their "legal tradition" in the words of renowned American jurist John Henry Merryman (b. 1920), professor of the School of Law at Stanford University. I contend that for decades has taught us in Peru, the best history teacher of law, the jurist Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino (Lima, n. 1926) and for some years with great skill takes Jorge Armando Guevara Gil.
However, this approach does not involve law to consider or call "full", since it generates or creates confusion. Hence, the better the name of "regulation, control or regulation" for the companies failed to create proper legal standards as an attorney and holds the American anthropologist, Sally Falk Moore (b. 1924), Professor Emeritus Harvard University and professor at the Universities of California and Yale. Something more in their favor, having participated in the Nuremberg trials, from 1945 to 1948, which undoubtedly was the beginning of the fall of savineano and Kelsen's legal positivism.
On the other hand, is fed verified that the law does not change people, as do the constitutions States better, yes, indeed, rulers or administrators do not really have the desire to build awareness and exemplary partnerships, where they serve, ultimately, an example to the public. This is possible only if enacted drastic and exemplary both rulers and citizens who violate the fundamental rules of common sense, honesty, solidarity, fraternity and justice, which seeks to transform an old company or form a new nation-state.
Thus, there is evidence of the failure of the law, where it was used as a means to radical social changes, regardless of customs and rules or regulations to control primitive or original. No doubt, times have changed and social media have contributed greatly to these changes, the pair of stimulating and strengthening globalization demanding rights of inclusion and respect for pluralism and socio-cultural diversity. Multicultural qualities and characteristics that were not taken into account by the past rulers and administrators of the classic nation-state or traditional, to think of a "civilizing mission" and "centralization."
Hence, the results of anthropological research that shows Guevara law, in particular, that of Sally Falk Moore, it is transparent that existed and still exist certain regulations, controls or regulations Aboriginal social and freelancers who never submitted or may submit fully to exogenous forces (system or legal order), despite being permeable to them. The reality of yesterday and even today, were with the Inca state when it sought to centralize and standardize its administrative system of regulation and control, as no law has been wrongly claiming "to be imposed on the ethnic diversity of natives at the time. This situation also occurred with the imposition of Castilian law brought by the English during the conquest and the subsequent creation of Indian law during the colonial period. Moreover, there is no doubt that it is a situation that has been place since the dawn of independence until today, which has led to exclusion, injustice and other shameful acts reported by Guevara Gil, rich and courageous in their intellectual production as a lawyer, an anthropologist and historian.
If the law is the law, then definitely we have to eradicate our conception of legal positivism and comprehensive vision as men and society. This outline is essential for analysis and reflection of lawyers, jurists, judges, officials, professors and law students, while we believe that legal positivism has done much harm to law and history of law because legal positivism does not reason, not analyze, not interpret, he is content with being a plain old operator of law that the legal system operates like a machine. Instead, counsel has a power antipositivist intelligent, thoughtful, critical, ie, to be truly human and therefore unethical, that it rises above the mechanistic positivism.
is no doubt, then, that we are seeing a revival of Law and Legal History by the contributions of anthropology, ethnohistory, comparative law, and so on. ensure that our discipline successfully resume scientific vantage point. Road from successfully passing Guevara Gil, and their commendable achievements in research and anthropological iushistórica 15 years, are embodied in this exceptional book that is and will be an indispensable reference not only for the iushistoriador or anthropologist, but to all professionals and students of our reality socio-cultural, legal, political and economic. This, because, well, is masterfully water resources is fundamental, basic or basic to life and whose monetary value would be greatly enhanced to the extent that we do not know to take advantage of efficient, effective and planned way.