Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Staube Cookware Vancouver

criminal terrorist criminal personality

(Posted in Law No. 306 of 08.06.2010, p. 7)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Master in Criminal Law. Criminologist Professor at the UIGV

In 1987, after a year of intense theoretical deep scientific and empirical research in the field of criminology, we determine the "criminal terrorist criminal personality." Then for the first time in the country, said the designation and the danger of this antisocial, separated from other dangerous criminals and, consequently, placing it in a concrete and specific in the respective classification. Eila

The criminal terrorist was associated with the operational concept of "Criminal Personality"-which, in 1963, developed the famous French criminologist Jean Pinatel (1919-1999) - and product studies and empirical research Could criminological identificársele the acronym (Eila). This, because these offenders are characterized by: self (believed to be the elected or want to be the center of attention). Indifferent mood (they are evil). Labile (apt to fall into crime or easy to pass the criminal act). Aggressive (they have great natural ability of violence and destruction).
Hence, the narco is unable to experience emotions or inclinations altruistic and cooperative. Imposed on itself a process and binds Corruptor with others around the terror and moral depravity.
what basis and how was this done? Let's see. STUDIES

study Criminology at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) under the direction of one of the most illustrious American criminologists, Professor Venezuelan Francisco Canestri Pinatel disciple. He was professor at the University of Paris, a magistrate and inspector general of the Administration, President of the Scientific Committee and Honorary Secretary General of the International Society of Criminology, and author of a copious intellectual output of their specialty.
Canestri was the main promoter in Latin America of Pinatel criminological ideas. Introduced as required reading, Volume III, under the title of Criminology, for his dear Professor Gallo. Work on the one hand, it was translated into English for the wife of Francisco, Ximena Rodriguez Canestri also prominent lawyer, a criminologist and university professor who served as director of the School of the Judiciary (Venezuela), and other hand, published by the Faculty of Law of the UCV (Caracas. 1974. 760 pp.) The volume is part III of the Treaty on Criminal Law and Criminology, which Pinatel published together with the eminent French professor Pierre criminal Bouzat president International Association of Penal Law.
Well, with this rich academic foundation criminological Canestri never spared any effort with his disciples and us With great generosity taught everything he knew. We got away from him to our return to the country in 1979 after we learned everything we could show that we were able to implement it. RESEARCH AND PRACTICE

Since 1980 we were teachers in the Training Center of the Investigative Police of Peru-CINPIP-(School Official). Among the courses were taught Criminal Law and Criminology. It was then when all Peruvians surprised us the beginning of longer and more bloody episode that has seen our country: 5/17/1980, by burning ballot boxes on election Chuschis (Ayacucho). For the first time, appeared on behalf of the Peruvian Communist Party-Shining Path (SL) as the perpetrator. The de facto government of General Morales Bermudez Cerruti in one way or another, limited both research and the dissemination of facts. Error and confusion continued in the first three years the government of President Belaunde Terry, with ups and downs in the political, legal, social, military and police. Throughout 1982
follow the National Defence Course dictated annually, then, Centre for Advanced Military Studies (CMEA), now National Center for Higher Studies (CAEN). Some participants-military, police and civilians, we must deal to study the causes and consequences of the escalation of violence that was enveloping the country. Analyze and compare the terrorist actions in other countries and we note that, since 1981, international terrorism was openly pursued with the collaboration of the international community in accordance with the Public International Law (DIP) as the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held in Madrid, Spain.
police returned to the classroom, both cadets and officers and top managers in 1983. In practical work with them began a painstaking research, analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon of terrorism, especially when In June 1984, he joined another gang of criminals under the name of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), increasing the national problem of terrorism, common crime and insecurity.
In 1985 we were invited to teach at the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (UIGV). It was logical that the main national problem was studied in the course of Criminology. Along with the university students have sought to him in 1986. I learned and practiced in the UCV with Canestri, was essential. Develop guidelines Pinatel ideas about their operational concept of the "Criminal Personality." Conducted interviews, surveys accused and tried for terrorism in different prisons, content analysis of hundreds of documents and publications, etc. The work is concluded in May 1987. It was published in the Journal CAL Forum, July-December 1987. LXXIV Year-N ° 2. pp. 169-186.


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