The quality of our consciousness directly affects the attitude we hold in our mind. When I am in the consciousness of my self-respect as a spiritual being, I am free of the subtle traps my mind that I hold the chains of fear and doubts. With this change in attitude, I am able to perceive people and situations more clearly. Having a spiritual attitude is to be in an interior space of unconditional kindness and generosity.
In the world today, many people due to fear and anxiety cling to things , his attitude is biased and based on prejudice. And the more you do this, unless they can be kind and generous and less able to empathize.
The attitude is more subtle than conscious thought. Limited attitudes are formed from the subtle influences that we absorb during the day, through what we hear, read, see, through opinions and conversations.
When we are aware of now, then we can quickly grasp the subtle influences that are affecting us and use the power of thought high and pure energy to transform into a benevolent attitude, before becoming a negative attitude.
The power of thought can purify the mind and free of negative attitudes. We have to observe the subtle path as thoughts move from awareness to attitude, then our perception situations and vision of others and finally to the actions we choose. Thought is the seed of the cause and effect. Thought is energy active all the time .
Thoughts are like seeds. Determine our awareness, attitude, vision, speech and actions. It says "as well planting crops." We tend to interpret this saying in reference to actions, but before the action we need to sow the seed of thought, will reap its fruits through actions.
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