Friday, August 6, 2010

Teebage Male Monologues

Sport, law and order

(Posted in Law No. 309 of June 29, 2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law History and Communication Studies.
Professor of Law at the UIGV.

no doubt that the sport was born and developed before the law. This statement is unobjectionable in Greece, circa 800 years BC It also appears that precedes the legal codes of ancient Sumerian king, Urnamunu, Shulgi and Hammurabi. The latter dates from 1692 BC However
compare the cultures of two different races or Indo-Aryan Greeks and the Sumerians Semitic-sport, from ancient times, it made no difference with respect to them. Consequently, the sport grew in all villages, because, ultimately, is a product of socio-cultural evolution of them. Thus came the first sports disciplines or specialties with their own rules, regulations and rules specific sport before the origin of the law. In fact, sports tournaments and even the Olympics themselves, with rules and regulations themselves were above the constitutions of Lycurgus and Solon, circa 600 BC
These rules, regulations and rules were progressively sports in a social order the man began to develop to the extent that increased and improved social life through several centuries. Claim that we can include in the Aristotelian pose politikoom zoom, that is, man is a political animal, is ie, social, preferring to live in society. However, in these societies developed, first, sports in general, and then specialized manner. RIGHT

From the above, we can argue that the social order is also above the law, both in Sumerian and in the Indo-Europeans. Came within the religious context, family, sports, etc. Activities that constitute the fundamental basis of this order to be developed, refined and strengthened without requiring a legal order, necessarily. In other words, there may be a social order without a legal order, however, if the latter fail to develop in the passing of that society, no doubt, will be much better, both for the social group as to humans-individually-that constitutes it.
Like sport, the law is a product of socio-cultural development of peoples over the centuries. For example, the Sumerians began to live in society circa 5000 BC, but only after 3000 years, first came the first legal codes, as already noted. The receptionist Hebrew and Sumerian law expanded through Phoenicia, Greece and Egypt. The Romans did the same with the Athenian law, etc. And so we developed a Western law was later "given bound, first by Alexander the Great, for a short time, and then by the Roman Empire for many centuries. YEARBOOK

Today the rules, regulations, rules and sports rules fall within the international sports system have their own regulations for each of the sports world recognized and practiced and developed in different nations of the world. However, institutions (clubs, associations, corporations, etc.) To join, promote and represent these disciplines are subject to national law for the nation-state to which they respectively belong.
In this context, within the expertise of law Right now recognizes the sport as a separate legal discipline, which grows bigger every day more. Well, this new specialty international sport reconciles the order issued by major sports federations (FIFA, UEFA, FIVB, etc.) With the national law of the countries that integrate and participate in worldwide events.
Hence the immense importance of the Ibero-American Sports Law Yearbook directing Antonio Millan Garrido and Luis Cervantes Linan, who in the following pages are the presentation of this work. The Advisory Council is made up Lester Jose Luis Carretero, Amalia de la Riva, Domingo García Belaunde, José Manuel Meirim Da Silva, Luciano Parejo Alfonso, and Gabriel Real Ferrer, who are prominent lawyers, sports and information. Finally, Joseph F. Mario Seoane Palomino Manchego and Linares, the secretaries of this extraordinary publication.
Yearbook ... has correspondents in Brazil (Domingo Savio Zainaghi), Spain (Javier Rodríguez Ten), Guatemala (Rada and César Augusto Conde Obdulio Mario Reyes Aldana), Mexico (Jose Luis Valley Cosio), Paraguay (Gerardo Luis Acosta Peres), Peru (Fernando Ramirez and Enrique Vidal Varsi Rospigliosi), Portugal (Maria Jose Carvalho), Uruguay (Edgardo Ettlin), and Venezuela (Miguel Mansilla Marcos Marcos Pernia and Oviedo). Take
presentation specialist Gabriel Real Ferrer, which establishes the number of Law, and also the note of the directors. Its content is divided into: 1. Doctrine, emphasizing the article "Considerations on the merits of Sports Law" by José Luis Carretero Lester, "The electoral system of the English sports federations," Antonio Millán Garrido, "The challenge of FIFA to the power of sovereign states order the system of sports federations: the case Burga (Peru) and Villar (Spain) " Ten Javier Rodríguez, among others. 2. Notes, excel Fernando Vidal Ramírez dealing with "sports marketing", 3. Legislation, contains the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code 4. Court, and 5. Book reviews. Moreover, this publication, with more than 650 pages, it is timely to the "FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010", and also fills a huge gap in this highly specialized literature.


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