Sunday, January 30, 2011

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The quality of our consciousness directly affects the attitude we hold in our mind. When I am in the consciousness of my self-respect as a spiritual being, I am free of the subtle traps my mind that I hold the chains of fear and doubts. With this change in attitude, I am able to perceive people and situations more clearly. Having a spiritual attitude is to be in an interior space of unconditional kindness and generosity.
In the world today, many people due to fear and anxiety cling to things , his attitude is biased and based on prejudice. And the more you do this, unless they can be kind and generous and less able to empathize.
The attitude is more subtle than conscious thought. Limited attitudes are formed from the subtle influences that we absorb during the day, through what we hear, read, see, through opinions and conversations.
When we are aware of now, then we can quickly grasp the subtle influences that are affecting us and use the power of thought high and pure energy to transform into a benevolent attitude, before becoming a negative attitude.
The power of thought can purify the mind and free of negative attitudes. We have to observe the subtle path as thoughts move from awareness to attitude, then our perception situations and vision of others and finally to the actions we choose. Thought is the seed of the cause and effect. Thought is energy active all the time .
Thoughts are like seeds. Determine our awareness, attitude, vision, speech and actions. It says "as well planting crops." We tend to interpret this saying in reference to actions, but before the action we need to sow the seed of thought, will reap its fruits through actions.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yamaha Waverunner 1200 Wont Start

778-La Chanson de Roland

Finally, after mounting a long time, comes out the documentary film: Roland 778 the chason.
It tells the story, revealing the possible mysteries of the legendary battle of Roncesvalles in Navarre.
As a curiosity to say, the actor who plays the role of honest, are the English play group the Raven Clan, along with the Germans ulfhednar.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Convert Wagonr In To Automatic Gear

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tooth Decay Back Molar


From left to right: Domingo García Belaunde, Carlos Fernandez Sessarego, José Félix Palomino Manchego and Francisco José del Solar Rojas.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Black And White Outline Of A Daisy

legal culture. Ideas and images

(Posted in Law No. 336 of January 4, 2011)

legal culture. Ideas and images.
José Ramón Narváez Hernández.

Mexico Editorial Porrua. 2010. 139 pp.

lawyer and university professor José Ramón Narváez Hernández made in this evocative and important book, a concept of legal culture. As novel as thorny issue in the philosophy of law and, moreover, views of jurists and lawyers always have or find an antithesis to every thesis to raise any distinguished colleague or not in our complicated world.
It is certainly a topic for philosophers, in general, and legal philosophers in particular. So, too, for real lawyers, this is for the top lawyers as interested in the rules and the legal process and in the issues and raises substantive about the nature and existence of the profession or professional activity that feeds us. There is therefore a concern for "ordinary" commercial lawyers or codigueros "to satisfy their ego boast when they are foolishly called" operators of law. "
The author is aware of this struggle in our union states that it is a concept done, but a working hypothesis with various methodological positions bent on finding a parameter that allows for both agreements to integrate a community living together of its members. I argue that, without doubt, lead us to believe that at some point, indicate that community sought the necessary guidelines to consecrate both synthesis to the same community as the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving an approved concept of legal culture. Which, obviously, we need to be better and overcome the old and growing crisis in which it is located, since ancient times, lost the right.

Narváez Hernández of combining two fundamental concepts and experiences developed in every human society and contemporary culture and law. Both share many common characteristics. The cars, he said that "are social phenomena, are torn between social discovery and the imposition of the real factors of power, between the artificial and natural. However, today the emergence of notions such as "multiculturalism" or "multiculturalism" realize a rapid evolution of the term culture and its adaptation to a more open, flexible, inclusive and purposeful. How has This change in the relations between law and culture? "
Well, José Ramón in his book presents fifteen essays and original images proposing a reflection on what is now legal culture means that, ultimately, participate actively in a coexistence quality human life, that does not sacrifice the plurality or convert their "norms" into instruments of domination. Thus, "says Narvaez," the legal culture is not merely from the legal text, but should look for a series of symbolic elements used to build a community, understand and apply its law. "
To all this, we want to add that Today day and no one has any doubt or dispute that the law is a product of socio-cultural development of peoples, and the high cultural level of humanity began, no doubt, in Mesopotamia, Sumerian civilization which produced the first legal code of natural law Urnamunu kings, Shulgi and Hammurabi (1692 BC) the most complete and perfected only discovered in 1903. From there onwards, the law was "welcome" and distributed by the Hebrews, Phoenicians, Hindus and Greeks. The latter, with the rulers of Athens, Draco and Solon (sixth century BC) produced the iuspostivismo (constitutions), that is, the law created by man for man. Reality that was learned and reflected by the Romans in his famous Law of the Twelve Tables (450 BC). The rest is familiar legal history. AUTHOR

José Ramón Narváez Hernández, currently the president of the Latin American Legal History (ILAHD), was elected in October 2008 (Vid. Law No. 296 of 30.03.2010, in an article " Current Perspectives in the History of right "by renowned historian Teodoro Hampe Martínez, pp. 6-7), and professor of plant matter," History of Philosophy of Law I "at the graduate in law from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and researcher at the Research Institute Jurisprudence and Judicial Ethics of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (Mexico).
We must also stress that also holds a doctorate in Theory and History of Law ", University of Florence, with honors thesis. Had the honor of being a disciple of the famous law professor and historian, Paolo Grossi (Florence, n. 1933). A law degree, cum laude for scientific research from the Universidad Panamericana. She has been visiting research in several countries in America and Europe. He has published many books and articles in legal journals both in Mexico and abroad.
Finally, we must remember that Ramon was in Lima last July (2010), and was invited to give a lecture on the subject of his book in the Bar Association of Lima (CAL). Then, he was greeted by small Peruvian community iushistórica, which includes, among others, Carlos Augusto Ramos Núñez, Teodoro Hampe Martínez, José de la Puente Brunke Sotomarino Roxana Cáceres, Silva Arévalo keycol and us. (F. S.)

Wedding Party Welcome Letter

life and work, a tribute to Valentin Paniagua Corazao

(Posted in Law No. 334 of December 21, 2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and the U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Graduate in law, history and communication sciences.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

The book Homenaje a Valentín Paniagua Corazao gives eternal life to life, to work, thought, personality, the bonhomie, generosity, humility and greatness of this distinguished politician, beloved teacher and renowned jurist who Cusco was, on its own merits and qualities, the Presidency of the Republic, after a long and sacrificial existence of exemplary public service delivery and the benefit of all Peruvians.
In short, the work gives us Corazao Valentín Paniagua (1936-Lima Cusco 2006), so you always remember it with us as it was, as offered up in defense of social and political justice, as living fighter for just causes and for the truth, and as a faithful testimony of how their teachers taught, full of generosity and marked by a profound humility in the various academic chairs issued wisely and unrivaled greatness. So it is that Valentine has made history, history is and will be permanent, imperishable, in Peru. WORK

Forty-nine writers have written about what did and did not do Paniagua Corazao, profound impact on his furrowed democratically, with heat and popular sentiment, full of humanism and Peru. Also on its firm and strong rejection of the dictatorship, violence, militarism, opportunism and moral relativism and legal technocrats, ie, of "the living" who were in search of the prebend, cheating the poor and appropriating the money of the people, the Peru's poorest. These evils and bad Peruvian succumbed to the sharp eyes and frank Valentine verb, therefore, his eight months of constitutional government was worthy and exemplary.
The tribute paid to the Fund Paniagua Editorial Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), during the ten years he assumed the presidency of Peru on November 22, 2000, for a short but important period of eight months, ie until July 28, 2001, is and will be the crucible, the living flame, their ideas, their action and example, in order that current and future generation, what are always present. The CEO of this major broadcaster of culture, wisdom, science and technology, Arévalo Patricia Majluf, along with the editorial board of this work, have made an invaluable gift that reality, no doubt, is the most substantive contribution on-biographical literature our dear and conspicuous paradigm Peru and Peruvians all owe so much. EDITOR

Indeed, it was the "Special Committee Tribute to organize the book in memory of His Excellency Dr. Valentin Paniagua Corazao "which was chaired by Javier Arias-Stella, as vice president John Incháustegui Vargas, and members Adrianzén Alberto Merino, Gustavo Bacacorzo, Marita Castro Pisfil, Domingo García Belaunde, Jamanca Marco Vega, Francisco Miro Quesada Cantuarias, Luis Ortega Navarrete, Henry Pease García, Marcial Rubio Correa, Deborah Urquhart, Alberto Yáñez and Juan Manuel Velarde Velarde.
Hence the presentation is provided by Incháustegui Vargas, who says: "We wanted to make this book a tribute, which will serve both to highlight the life and work of this illustrious Peruvian and to gather experiences, testimonies and analysis that can become a guide for, all those who aspire to a better world, to emulate the example of fellow exceptional "
Later he adds:" It is therefore a book that a side contains a vision and policy analysis and activities covering a wide spectrum of human relations, and the other, reflects the various facets of personality describing Paniagua in many cases their actions, their sufferings and achievements so that Finally, without being formal, strictly speaking a biography, projects an image of the personality of Paniagua and his current force projection into the future in its struggle for preservation and continuous improvement of democracy to his beloved Peru. "
In this context, Incháustegui reminds us that Valentine:" From its beginnings as a student leader to his brilliant work as President of Peru, and beyond, in its international standing out in the selectísimo Club of Madrid to politicians, prime ministers and presidents from around the world, through their speeches at universities such as Harvard, Wisconsin, San Marcos and Syracuse, are seen to be remarkable and brilliant as a politician. Be seen is how well his statesmanship and intellectual dimension is clearly recorded their holistic and transcendental of becoming, the future and the need to act in politics. "
Also, in the aforementioned presentation, said:" No less important is his role as professor and chair, which is also prominent in several of the articles or letters that make up this book. They include references and descriptions of this aspect of his life, which filled much of your time you could say it was as political as a teacher. "
Finally, says Incháustegui," And just to focus this introduction on the essential features of personality Paniagua that the book reflects, I could not omit the practice of law as a struggle for people's fundamental rights and in defense of the institutions created by society. There are references to his brilliant participation in defense of Constitutional Court judges and their performance on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. "

ARTICLES We have noted that we forty-nine contributors who have the great honor and privilege of registering our names in this great work. In alphabetical order: Adrianzén Merino, Alberto; Alva Orlandini, Javier, Álvarez-Couceiro, Antonio Arias-Stella, Javier; Avendaño Valdez, Jorge; Bacacorzo, Gustavo; Bernales Ballesteros, Enrique; Barnechea Alfredo, White Bustamante, Carlos; Brewer- Carias, Allan; Chavez Molina Juan, Del Solar Rojas, Francisco José; Díaz Orihuela, Javier; Domínguez, Jorge I., Fraga Iribarren, Manuel, Fernandez Segado, Francisco Fernández Sessarego, Carlos; Ferrero Costa, Raul, Garcia, Enrique; Garcia Belaunde, Domingo Garcia Belaunde, Víctor Andrés García Pérez, Alan, Gonzales de Olarte, Efraín; Gorriti, Gustavo; Guevara Pezo, Victor; Incháustegui Vargas, Juan; Jamanca Vega, Marco; Jochamowitz, Luis; Sariñena Lorente, Marta, Mc Evoy, Carmen; Mesa Gisbert, Carlos D.; Cantuarias Miró Quesada, Francisco; Ortecho Villena, Victor Julio; Ortega Navarrete, Luis; Paz Zamora, Jaime; Pease García, Henry, Perez de Cuellar, Javier; Rivero, José; Roncagliolo, Rafael; Rubio Correa, Marcial; Samper, Ernesto, Santistevan de Noriega, Jorge, Silva Ruete, Javier; Solari de la Fuente, Luis; Valadés, Diego Varela-Suanzes Carpegna, Joaquin Velarde Yáñez, Alberto; Vidal Ramírez, Fernando; Zavala Costa, Jaime.
As it is impossible to play the part of all bright and excellent articles written in this book, we are allowed to select a series of excerpts from some of them that follow, calling beforehand, apologized to his illustrious authors of cuts texts made, and also those who, for lack of space, we could not included in this selection.

What Do Gums Look Like When Teething

Atahuallpa, revisionist legal history

Posted in Law No. 329 of November 16, 2010. Francisco José

Lawyer PUCP and the U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

Dedicated to my colleague and dear friend Jorge Basadre Ayulo, son of our great, glorious and teacher recalled Jorge Basadre Grohmann, who assumed the challenge to "rewrite" the history of Peruvian law.

this day in 1532, around noon, the Inca Atahualpa (Inca Pachacuti Cacha Yupanqui, Cusco, n. circa 1500) or Atahualpa, left his camp or shelter Pultumarca (current district "Baths of the Inca"), to address the people of Cajamarca, where he would meet with the governor and English captain Francisco Pizarro González (Trujillo de Extremadura 1478 - Lima 1541. hidalgo illegitimate son of Gonzalo Pizarro Rodríguez de Aguilar and the Pauper Francisca González Mateos, called "The Closet").

The meeting had been agreed the previous day, Friday 15 November in the afternoon, before the requirements of the captains, Hernando de Soto and Hernando Pizarro Vargas (younger brother of Francis, but was that held the primogeniture and represented the legitimate branch of the noble family Pizarro, Extremadura), who had been commissioned by the governor to invite to dinner at Inca, in Cajamarca, that afternoon, and a friendship pact.

Atahualpa offered to attend the banquet without understanding the announced deal, given that the relationship in the Andean world was made through "reciprocity" (mutual provision of services and exchange of goods), a fact that was impossible because the Spaniards were only Dedicated to steal riches of the Inca state (gold, silver, food, clothing, etc.) without offering anything in return, and, worse, to encourage and foster discontent and revenge other ethnic groups, which had been violently conquered by the Incas, from the time of Tupac Inca Yupanqui (eleventh monarch Cusco), son of the great Inca Pachacutec (Cusi Yupanqui), who took office in 1438, after defeating and totally destroy to chance, and whose adopted name means "the one who change the world." True, most ethnicities under the thrall Andean Inca saw their chance of mutiny and released in the presence and support of the English.

The famous ninth Inca, Pachacutec-second legal archetype Tahuantinsuyo after Manco Capac ruled until 1471, ie a long period of 33 years (1438-1471) .. He claimed that his son succeed him Amaru Inca Yupanqui (tenth monarch Cusco) but unable to the government, why was replaced by Inca Tupac Yupanqui, who, with his resounding military victories led to the maximum territorial expansion of Tahuantinsuyo, founding Tumibamba, in present day Ecuador. Hence, his son Huayna Capac (Tito Cusi Guallpa) had with the Coya Mama Ocllo, was born in that city. He took office in 1493 and returned to his hometown in 1512, consolidating its conquest of the current action northern Ecuador in 1515, taking Carangue. By then, Huayna Capac was accompanied by his young son and prince Atahualpa, who at the time was about 12 years ..
Now these last Incas developed their governments in a total of 94 years, ie from 1438 with the assumption of power Pachacútec until 1532, Saturday 16 November, the day on which Atahualpa (Inca fourteen tenth) was captured and taken prisoner by Pizarro, who in late July 1533, provided a summary process of war, condemning him to death on 26 March. Issue we have developed in our article published in this supplement, and then called "Life, trial and death of Atahualpa, the Inca Farsa against." (Vid. Legal N º 229 of 16.12.2008).
It should say at once that, in fact, the Inca history that has been worked scientifically, that is, within the canons of the "new history" corresponds to this span of 94 years, a total of approximately 300 years. In other words, since the founding of Cusco, circa 1200/1230 until the third boom and bust of Tahuantinsuyo that goes from 1438 until 1532. NEW HISTORY

pointed to the assertions here, we followed the historical contributions of distinguished jurists and historians such as Raul Porras Barrenechea (Pisco, Ica 1897-Lima 1960), Edmundo Guillén Guillén (Lima 1921-2005), Mary Rostworowski Tovar de Diez Canseco (Barranco, Lima, n. 1915) and Franklin Pease García-Yrigoyen (Lima from 1939 to 1999), among others, who have worked with some chronic tried making a great effort with a certain accuracy and reliability the Andean vision . That is, away from the European worldview introduced by most writers in the history of our people who were totally unaware of that becoming beyond the seas, ie the difference between the European vision and the Andean reality.
We must also add to ethnohistorian Ukrainian-born American, John Victor Murra (Odessa 1916-New York 2006), who revolutionized the Andean history to discover and understand that "Reciprocity" was an "organizing principle" on two levels, both between the local communities ayllus or horizontal in nature and, on the other hand, that linked the state with the population, who received services and contributions from people in exchange for "redistribute their surplus" economy, as Rostworowski points. Anything else, the ayllu and then the Incas, made of a complex system of reciprocal obligations and political alliances, and so on.
Also, we have to Reiner Tom Zuidema American historian (b. 1926) and the French anthropologist Nathan Wachtel (Metz, Lorraine, b. 1935), among others, with which it opened a new horizon in Andean historical studies. These would be located in the concept, without doubt, the "new history" or School of the Annals, that is, in scientific history, leaving behind the "old story", the purely narrative or literary history.
In other words, the new Andean studies with this view demanded a "reinterpretation" of the chronicles, analyzing causes and consequences, with the support of modern auxiliary sciences of history and anthropology, ethnohistory, etc. In times past, they-the chronicles, were the primary sources to reconstruct the past Andean or, failing that, provided the story itself, falling into the vices of ethnocentrism and historicism, as was the case of the Royal Commentaries of the mestizo chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega (Cusco 1539-Córdoba, Spain 1616, named Suarez Gomez Figueroa).
With this new guidance, following the wishes of some loved and admired teachers we decided to rewrite the history of Peruvian law, and that she had written based on the chronicles, including the Indian chronicler Felipe Huaman Poma de Ayala (San Cristóbal de Suturu "?-Lima 1615). Hence, we take this serious challenge to make a new "History of law Peruvian "according to new findings from ethnohistory, anthropology and how to make scientific history as the Annales School. So in 1988 we published our book entitled History of Peruvian law, Volume I: Primitive Law (With a foreword by distinguished jurist and professor of Legal History, Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino. Ediciones SRL Royal Lima. Peru pp. 100).
In this work, we say that before talking about right Inca was preferable to consider the existence of a pre-law or even better, efficient and effective forms of regulation and social and economic control, such as reciprocity, the vertical production control or ecological, redistribution surplus, etc. However, the original she presented it to our dear colleague and friend Jorge Basadre Ayulo (Lima, n. 1939) for review, and the generosity and selflessness that characterizes him we appreciated the contributions we made to the History of Law Peruvian and references to your father, by letter dated Lima, 3/10/1987, this is a year and a half before our book published in October 1988 with the introduction of another beloved maestro Juan Vicente Ugarte del Pino (Lima , n. 1923).
Moreover, the same way, the original of this book in print was read and reviewed by a teacher remembered and appreciated Franklin Pease García-Yrigoyen (Lima 1939-1999) who had requested the respective prologue. In a letter dated 27/10/1988, he said: "I read the book and I see him teaching his intention, as well as the abundant information that presides over it, so I think that may be useful to their students, and wished us the best success. "Big words and flattering coming from a prominent and distinguished professor and Pease. Indeed, the book gathered much of what is taught by Franklin, who argued that talk of law is characteristic of Western culture, but not of the Andes. In it is preferable to speak of forms of control and regulation, and in no way law is a creation of the Western world. Hence our idea of \u200b\u200b"pre-law Inca "or, more properly, Pease-copying forms of control and social and economic regulation highly efficient and effective.
undoubtedly Rostworowski Pease and are the most thorough and precise investigations of the Andean reality, in general, and Incan history in particular. As for Pease, here are his original books with several editions, and brainy articles in professional journals, especially the PUCP, more than a dozen. We just want to emphasize: 1) The last Inca of Cuzco (1972). Second Edition PL Villanueva. Ed Lima 1977; 2) The Andean creator god. Mosca Azul Editores. Lima. 1973; 3) From Tawantinsuyu to the history of Peru. Institute de Estudios Peruanos IEP. Lima. 1978; 4) Los Incas. History of Peru. Volume II. Ancient Peru. Editorial Juan Mejía Baca. Lima. 1980; etc.
Now our primal pose we have been improving, results we have published in various articles in this supplement, as the last one, entitled "History of Peruvian law: No right Inca" (see Law No. 225 of 18.11.2008). THERE WAS

law regulating the succession
Only some customs prevailed, as the fierce fighting over the inheritance of power where the most skillful and shining which boasted best talent to reign, on the sidelines fully, the legitimacy and primogeniture (primogeniture). In other words, in the Andes, in general, and the Inca history, including never had any idea, concept or application of these principles as were fundamental in the European world, and unfortunately, most chroniclers, including the mixed-mistakenly included in their stories, pointing to a primitive patterns distorted history in succession to the throne among the Incas.
Consequently, the struggle between the claimants and their respective panakas was not a novelty in the Tahuantinsuyo. On the contrary, was a historical constant that has just been discovered and worked by the anthropologists and ethno-historians who built a new history of the Inca state. In fact, so, for example, the eighth Inca, Viracocha, he wanted his young son to succeed him prince named Inca Urco, who was characterized by its inability to govern and command the army, so, despite having been recognized as Inca , the same general Viracocha a conspiracy against the young heir, wagering instead by Prince Cusi Yupanqui, which itself had recognized leadership competencies and warrior skills, which amply demonstrated when he defeated the chance, and took the name Pachacutec, as already noted.
But something else, Viracocha almost until the end of his life opposed the Inca Pachacutec out, however, on one hand, praise and recognition that he did to his father, and on the other hand, its resounding military success. The truth was that the old Inca Inca Urco always preferred, to the point of plotting with it a scheme to assassinate the successful Pachacutec, who ultimately had to wage war against his brother who was killed after the battle in the village Paca. At death Urco, Cusi Yupanqui was the sole candidate to assume the government of the confederation, said Rostworowski. We emphasize that this important historical record shows that it was not new or unusual for the world Huascar and Atahualpa Andean were fought by assuming power Tahuantinsuyo.
In this vein, it may be worth noting, for example, Capac Yupanqui (Incan fifth) was not son of Mayta Capac (Inca quarter), but his nephew, being the scion of a sister of hers, Curuyacu, having Inca several children. The successor Capac Yupanqui was noted for his weakness for women, having many concubines coming off the coya Curihilpay. Her sister, Cusi Chimbo-preferred by the Inca came to poison him and called in a coup to Hanan Cusco, whose members led by Inca Roca disrupted families Urin Cusco (first Dynasty), taking absolute control of Inticancha, royal residence then. Cusi Chimbo became the Coya Inca Roca (sixth king of Tahuantinsuyo), taking the name of Mama Micay, and gave birth to the second dynasty, this is the Hanan Cusco.

Inca Roca's successor was his son Titu Cusi Gualpa (seventh Inca), who took the name of Yahuar Huaca, which means "weeping blood." While still a teenager was kidnapped by the Ayamarcas. After her father was correinante and both consolidated the dynasty Hanan Cusco, ruling together for many years. Huaca Yahuar had several children. In the Coya Mama Chiquia were Páucar Ayllo, the largest, and Mayta Gualpa Páhuac the lowest. In the concubines: Uiccho Topa, Inca Roca and Marcayuto. Negotiating through reciprocity with panakas wanted to impose as a successor to his second son Páhuac Gualpa Mayta, however, they preferred the opposite panakas Marcayuto. They agreed and eliminated the prince proposed Huallacán village where the mother of the heir was postponed.
Inca Revenge was great and bloody, which ended a few years after his assassination in an insubordination or condesuyus uprising. Then began a time of crisis for Tahuantinsuyo. The Chance was organized and planned a future invasion of Cusco. Faced with this disorder, hanan decided to give the power to the prince of his dynasty, Hatun Tupac, who upon assuming his reign took the name of Viracocha (eighth Inca), which was the ultimate and primeval tutelary deity of the Incas, in particular, and several Andean cultures in general, so far, and that meant "the god who created the universe." Well, or Viracocha Viracocha, as we have seen, wanted to leave as a successor to Prince Urco called Inca, who, words words less, stop wars for power against Cusi Yupanqui (Pachacuti). Sea
incidentally, Mary Rostworowski Tovar, the great ravine ethnohistorian born in Lima and disciple of Murra and Porras Barrenechea, among other outstanding teachers, along with Pease, has the best books and essays on the Andean world and the Incas, in an amount of thirty (30). Mention only three, referred specifically to "Inca Empire" as she prefers to call it: 1) The superb biography of Pachacutec, under the title of Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Editorial Torres Aguirre. Lima. 1953). 2) History of the Inca Empire (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos IEP. Lima. 1988), and 3) Incas (Peru Thematic Encyclopedia. Empresa Editora El Comercio SA vol. I. Lima 2004). Work has recently been reissued, revised and supplemented to the Library Amazing Peruvian in the same publishing house. Lima in November 2010. In this context, these three books are and will be essential to write any article or essay on the Inca state.
Hence, quite rightly, Rostworowski, says: "The communication was not easy between conquerors and conquered. Both sides were separated not only by the language barrier, but a marked cultural differentiation. What ensued was a confrontation between two cultures that had never had contact with each other, making contrasts different ways of seeing the world, different ways of thinking and acting "(...)" The writers, making a great effort to compile information and, at the same time, cultural translation, used their own traditions as referents and signifiers of what they saw and heard in the New World "(...)" In this way, the inhabitants of the Inca Empire were called descendants of Noah, and their gods and its past were identified with other biblical beliefs and European folklore in general. This ethnocentric tendency to use trial and try to explain the Andean reality with your own categories in the European tradition continued until well into the nineteenth century, hindering the advancement of knowledge about the Inca culture "(Emphasis added.)
In fact, that was the context in which they developed their our historians of the past works of the old story, narrative and romantic, with the direct sources only those accounts that misrepresented the reality and truth Andes. And worst of all, created a "false history" fraught with ethnocentrism and historicism, such as we have stated in previous paragraphs, with the aim to create, develop and strengthen patriotism and nationalism based on a utopia. That is, an Andean history not only unrealistic, but even opposed to it.
Consider one example. Interested falsehood or not, that Atahualpa was born in Quito or Carangue, Ibarra (northern Ecuador), son of Inca Huayna Capac to Princess Pacha, daughter of the late King Shiri, emperor of the kingdom of Quito. Moreover, the marriage of the Incan princess came after the battle of Atuntaqui, and allowed the merger of the two largest kingdoms in this part of the continent, that is, the Inca Tahuantinsuyo or the Shyri or Quito. Insist on this premise is repeating the mistakes pointed chroniclers of the sixteenth and seventeenth-to Rostworowski, the father of the error was Garcilaso de la Vega, and the sad thing is that this is echoed by some veterans and young historians (of the old story) that keep repeating the mistakes of yesterday. The truth is that Atahualpa was not born in lands that now belong to the republic Ecuador-Quito or Carangue-or, but, in Cusco, the navel of Tahuantinsuyo.
However, given some statements and publications of 1996 that impinged on the wrong place of birth of the Inca Atahualpa, we sought to correct the mess in the magazine Caretas No. 1412 of 02.05.1996, in a letter published under the title " Inca and cradle. " Also, on one side, with the article in the newspaper El Comercio, Lima, Sunday 04.10.1998, p. A3, and on the other hand, the article "Atahualpa was Cusco, official gazette El Peruano, Monday 17/11/2008, p. 8. And finally, in the pages of this supplement-Legal N ° 229 of 16-12-2008 - an article of larger size and additional topic under the registration of "Life, trial and death of Atahualpa, the Inca Farsa against" above.
Finally, these major contributions that have helped to write a "new Inca history" beginning with John Victor Murra, Giorgio Alberti, Enrique Mayer, Nathan Wachtel, Mary Rostworowski Diez Canseco, Franklin Pease García-Yrigoyen, and, most recently, Luis Guzmán Palomino, Luis Millones, Marco Curatola and Mariusz Ziolkowski, among others, were the support to do the same with the "History of Peruvian law, taking into account the recommendation formulate the famous, beloved and remembered master Jorge Basadre Grohmann (1903-Lima Tacna 1980), unparalleled and unsurpassed historian of the period of the Republic in Peru.

One of his early works of Basadre Grohmann was the History of Peru (Lima. 1937). In its early warning line said: "This book is just a temporary test. If the fate of works of history is soon wither by the incessant discoveries and changes in the valuation of their sources, is still the most fleeting life cycle scenarios that cover too extensive. When it comes to a history textbook Peruvian law, that conviction is more imminent and inevitable by the scarcity of monographs. "
No doubt, this was a new work, substantive and very important in dictating the course of History Chair of Peruvian law at the Faculty of Law, National University Mayor de San Marcos, which was created 04/12/1875. There is no doubt that far exceeded what had been published before. However, according to the only existing sources, the chronicles followed the same pattern of the old masters of this subject-San Marcos Román Alzamora Mayo (Lima 1847-1883); Eleodoro Romero Salcedo (1855 Lambayeque Lima 1931), Victor Manuel Maúrtua Uribe (Ica Atlantic 1865-1937), Manuel Augusto Olaechea Olaechea (Lima from 1880 to 1946), among others. However, for the distinguished professor of law, Jose Leon Barandiaran (1899-Lambayeque Lima 1987), had a very clear idea that "there was no law in the Inca state, since there was a system of rights and obligations, but only obligations "concluded, the wise teacher:" The Inca state was a dictatorship and not a legal system. "
Notwithstanding said, Basadre gotten down to update and systematize the modernized public with some contributions from foreign historians, such as E. Sidney Hartland, who affirmed the existence of "right primitive, "Bronislaw Malinoski (1884-1912) and Hermann Trimborn (1901-1986), etc., and also considering the question from the original creator of the Historical School of Law, the German iushistoriador, Friedrich Karl von Savigny ( 1779-1861), in the sense that there is no society without law (Societas ubi, ubi juris). Accordingly affirmed the existence of law in prehispanic Peru: "There was, therefore, even (in) the most ancient Peruvian cultures, and more so among the Incas."
Accordingly, following these approaches, in general terms to Basadre Grohman was private law and public law in the empire, and so on. This is, in other words, family law, inheritance law, inheritance, legitimacy, illegitimacy, firstborn, testamentary will, public order, crime, punishment catalogs, procedural law, etc.. However, this work became the only mandatory reference text for the course History of Peruvian law and with it we formed thousands of lawyers. Many of them have continued to repeat what they learned there. Very few follow the trail and work of the author who never stopped to investigate, to overcome and change some of their grievances, given that these ideas or legal institutions that he said, following and interpreting the ancient writers and their teachers- were distinctly Western and were totally outside the Andean region, in general, and Inca reality in particular.
In effect, hence Basadre himself, in his Foundations of the history of law (Editorial Universitaria. Lima. Peru. 1967. Pp. 193-198), stated in the section related to "The Right in cultures pre-Inca ", that" in light undoubtedly variable data so far obtained, is, however, very vague in regard to aspects related to the life of the law "(...)" This advises the historian of law refrain from entering into the study of pre-Inca period, ... "
In this book, without denying the existence of Inca law, revised its claims in 1937, however, said: "Another volume discussed in detail on the right Inca" and, later, added: "It should speak of a legal rule, but to mix often with elements of a customary, religious, moral and economic. "(p. 208). Without doubt, the teacher is already immersed in the School of the Annals of the New History, and studies of Inca history with new sources worked by Murra, Pease, Rostworowski, among others already mentioned, obviously, will also change , a definitive history of Peruvian law.
Thus, 11 years later, we see that this view has been corrected slightly, strongly, in 1978, when he recognized the necessary and urgent task of rewriting the book of 1937. Affirmation that collect the long chapter "Some reviews forty-seven (sic) years later" that Basadre was added to the second edition of his important book Peru: problems and possibilities (Publishers Technical Consortium SA-COTECSA-IV Edition. Lima. 1984 .) This book, originally the first edition appeared in 1931, whose validity is recognized by all.
In fact, there Basadre Grohmann, in 1978, said: "We are currently undergoing a revolution throughout Andean history through the development of interest in matters .... "It also refers to visits or administrative reports of the colonial authorities:" In those documents speak Indians down and no relatives of the Incas or the chiefs as occurs in the chronicles. John V. Murra has been stated, with substance, that the review of the Andean world can now "go beyond the chronicles to (his) understanding from an Andean perspective too." He concludes by stressing that what was known yesterday about the Andean world, it is now "completely outdated", according to new discoveries and studies of historiography. (Pp. 265-270)
This is the history of Peruvian law and remembered our beloved teacher wanted to "rewrite" and unfortunately for Peru and all Peruvians could not do so because the June 29, 1980, God called him Father on his right, where he retains for the happiness of his beloved family, now represented by his son Jorge Basadre Ayulo, his wife Ana Maria Brazzini of Basadre, their children and grandchildren.

Atahuallpa O Atahualpa
However Pease's assertion: "It is arguable that the dominance of the Andes Tawantinsuyu never supposed total control of the territory, but the organization of sites of various kinds, that centralizing resources strategically and demographic, and from which he could organize the control of a wide Andean region, Atahualpa had no fear in accepting the proposal, given that he was the Lord of the four regions and always acted with arrogance and excessive security in those land, which had consolidated his power through conquests, alliances and redeployments, as their ancestors had, in general, and his father, Inca Huayna Capac, a great builder of Tumibampa-village where his father was born, and it became the sacred center of the north (now Ecuador), rivaling Cusco and was the subject of jealousy and distrust of the established panka navel of the world.
In this context, both as the princess Huayna Capac Palla Cusco or Tocto Atahuallpa Coca-mother-panaka belonged to the great emperor Pachacuti (ninth Inca), legal and creative archetype of the great state of Tahuantinsuyo. Consequently, Atahualpa claimed the "mascapaycha" (tassel, insignia or crown the reigning Inca) because he believed it was time to "rethink" or "create" their own Tahuantinsuyu, given that his brother Huascar, absurdly, is confronted with contempt and violence against "Panaca, which backfired for him and determined his fall," Rostworowski points. The rest is history and a summary of which is in the first few paragraphs.
Finally, we note that the District Municipality of Los Baños del Inca has built a monument to the Inca Atahualpa. Also, in the place of "ransom room" located in the city of Cajamarca, two small murals painted by artist Camilo Blas Cajamarca, whose real name is Jose Alfonso Sanchez Urteaga (Cajamarca 1910-Lima 1985). Artistic works have the issues of "Taking Cajamarca" and "The Rescue Room."

Halle Berry Short Hair Cut In Catwoman

Necessary changes in the legal profession self-regulation as proposed by the Faculty of Law and CAD PUCP empiricism Source

Posted in Law No. 327 of November 2, 2010.

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
legal Manager (e) Editor and publisher of Legal Peru.
Professor of Law at the UIGV

The Faculty of Law at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) represented by its dean and Walter Albán Peralta Ciudadanos al Día (CAD) with Beatriz Boza Dibós director, presented three key publications in field of ethics, values \u200b\u200band principles that all lawyers must respect, care and impose whatever our role. This should be given on a strict self-regulatory framework the purpose of raising and maintaining the ethical standards of law in this world of modernity and globalization.
The works in question are: 1. Public consultation: proposed standards of conduct and professional responsibility law. Result of Public Consultation Beatriz Boza Dibós lawyers and Christian Chocano Davis, 2. The mission of the Lawyer: Ethics and professional responsibility of the lawyer in charge of Themis, an institution formed in 1965 by students of the Faculty of Law PUCP, whose publication was Beatriz Boza general, and 3. Graduation of sanctions: Ethics and Social Responsibility of attorney prepared by Ius et veritas, nonprofit civil association integrated profit by students of law, PUCP. A HISTORIC LANDMARK

Overall we can say that these works, together, constitute a breakthrough in the difficult, complex and even abstract issue of ethics, and in this sense, mark, no doubt, a milestone due to unprecedented effort, dedication, perseverance and consensus reached in its preparation and presentation.
In fact, this remarkable result began four years ago, in mid-2004 when Dibós Beatriz Boza, coordinator of the course "Ethics and Professional Responsibility Lawyer, Faculty of Law PUCP, boosted formation of the Study Group on Social Responsibility of Attorney "with the best students of the subject.
Well, in the words of the teacher: "They weekly sessions with the purpose of updating the teaching materials, develop new case studies, design strategies of value education, among others, deepening the analysis of the existing Ethics Code - then, especially from the perspective of comparative law. Thus, in 2006, in the study group developed a first "Draft Proposed Draft Code of Ethics of the Lawyer" (with 120 articles, 17 books), then presenting to twenty (20) Law professors from various disciplines to review and critique. They, in turn, convened a multidisciplinary working groups to review each of the sections. "There is no doubt that this was a hard and devoted work for a period of two years, ie 2004 to 2006.

With the results obtained in this great laboratory for research and development of proposals for teachers and students, in 2007, the month of November, the study group was a second text, which was obviously more developed, refined and consistent. Beatriz Boza, tells us that, "among other innovations, included thirteen definitions and content grouped into seven titles, with 110 articles, becoming known under the name "Draft Code of Professional Responsibility lawyer." Immediately, add the outstanding professor and proceeded to his discussion with a wider circle of lawyers. Thus, in the summer of 2008, with the collaboration of most major law firms in the capital staged a series of breakfast meetings with business partners and lawyers in various sectors. "
However, with results of these exchanges are valuable contributions greatly enriched worked since its inception (2006) by the Group Studies, made in addition to Boza Dibós by Diego Asmat, Luis Bustamante, Christian Chocano, Mariela Houghton, José Carlos Llerena, Ana Piñeiro, Vladimir Popov, Renato Sarzo and Carolina Torres.
was, then, when they saw the need for third comprehensive review of the text extending the basis of consultation, research, information and professional experiences in the harsh and complex practice of law. To do this, we referred to the Ethics course coordinator, we had the invaluable and selfless assistance of five (5) law student associations, as Themis, Ius et Veritas, Circle of Administrative, Academic Forum Ius Inter Gentes. The progress was remarkable, as it developed a rich explanatory memorandum of 352 pages, which was submitted in June 2008 as a "Draft Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law", with 121 articles in seven (7) titles. A more

With a view to become more widespread and more consensus on this third version, the Draft Code ..., underwent public consultation in November 2008 in a ceremony involving the president of the PUCP the Ombudsperson, the chairman of the Judiciary, the head of the OCMA and other distinguished authorities also Featured Attorneys representing the most important studies of law Lima, legal managers of companies, both private and public sector. Boza
Dibós this regard, he notes. "Since that time we held 37 meetings for discussion and review of the content of the level of deans of law schools in Lima, and deans of law schools of the Peruvian Network of Universities, and law professors PUCP and Advocates of legal managers of companies. "
But he adds something else:" At the same time, called by Julia María Morales Valentín, we meet every Wednesday morning from October 2008 until late 2009, with a group of legal managers of major companies and public organizations to exchange ideas about the practical implications and necessary adjustments to the proposal "(...)" The valuable exchanges with Eduardo Schmidt SJ enabled us to give a deeper approach to this proposal, especially regarding the process of internalization of the lawyers and professional organizations. His contribution has been decisive and we face a challenge. "
The deans of law schools in Lima and the Peruvian Network of Universities that participated in the consultation process at the invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Law PUCP Walter Albán Peralta, were: Jose Castillo Román of the UN in Cajamarca, Manuel Castillo Venegas of the UN de Piura, Mariano Castro Sánchez-Moreno, U. Southern Scientific (Lima), Dante Cervantes A Anaya of San Agustin (Arequipa), Victor Garcia making the U. Lima (Lima), Alberto Navas Torres of the UN in the Peruvian Amazon (Iquitos), Jose Antonio Ñique of Punta de San Marcos University (Lima), Jorge Gonzalez Polo y la Borda of the UN in San Antonio Abad del Cusco (Cusco ); Daniel Quispe Perez of San Cristobal A Huamanga (Ayacucho), Jesus Antonio Rivera prayed, U. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (Lima), Lilian Rocca, U. Carbajal San Ignacio de Loyola (Lima); Teódulo Santos Cruz A Trujillo, Miriam Schenone, U. San Juan Bautista (Lima), Gastón Soto, U. Vallenas Technology of Peru (Lima), Luis Vargas Fernández, U. Católica de Santa María, Arequipa, Marjorie Mellet (representing the Dean) of the U. Pacific (Lima).

FOURTH AND FINAL REVIEW Finally, Beatriz Boza, he says, bluntly: "The various concerns, criticisms and suggestions for revision received were processed through a comprehensive review quarter ended June 30, 2009, to this Proposal Standards of Conduct and Accountability Career in Law '(142 articles, 7 titles, with an explanatory memorandum of 196 pp.). Also systematized the results of public consultation in an explanatory document of nearly 200 pages ( "
Finally, states:" The transformation that has been experiencing the proposal is expressed not only in the variation of its content but also in its scope, conceived in the academic world was moving to the professional and now aims to further development to strengthen the life of the profession "(...)" In this journey we have had at all times the strong support of Dean of the Faculty of Law PUCP and young people who join me in the Study Group. We also had the auspices of the World Justice Project of the American Bar Association. The support of all those involved in this issue becomes a lever to imagine a different practice. "
In truth, we must recognize that this task has been enormous and would like to mention to all who have actively participated in it during the four years of hard work. However, for reasons of space, it is almost impossible. However, we can not fail to mention the Task Force on Professional Responsibility served as secretariat of the Project in 2009, which consisted of Beatriz Boza, Juan Luis Balarezo Baldeón Francisco, Luis Bustamante, Christian Chocano, Alberto de Belaunde, Fernando del Mastro, Marielena Houghton, José Carlos Llerena, Francisco Miranda and Jose Saldana. PROPOSAL

This first book were responsible for these Boza and Chocano, has 339 pp. It is divided into three parts. The first is the introduction and contains a presentation by the renowned jurist and university professor, Walter Albán Peralta, Dean of the Faculty of Law PUCP. Incidentally, remember that he made an extraordinary work when he led the Ombudsman. With that same wisdom, hard work, pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness, promoting dialogue and consensus friend go today with great success this authority which is the birthplace of many generations of great jurists, law professors and lawyers in general.
also a commentary entitled "Commitment of the private sector by Julia María Morales. A historical review of "Public Consultation Process" Beatriz Boza. Finally, the relationship of "participation in the consultation process."
In this vein, Alban, tells us: "To say in our society an ethical practice of law, is part of the commitment unites law schools that make up the Peruvian Network of Universities from different cities. The result of that commitment and joint effort with the universities of the Network, we have developed this Proposed Standards of Conduct and Professional Responsibility Law, now I have the pleasure of presenting. "
" The content of this proposal is the result of a review process, discussion and national consultation on the rules that should govern the professional conduct of counsel, an initiative led by Professor Beatriz Boza, coordinator of the course Ethics and Professional Responsibility Lawyer, which seeks to transcend the university senate to involve schools lawyers, administrative tribunals and tribunals, courts and other social actors. "
In this context, he adds: "There are great challenges ahead: to evaluate existing strategies for transforming the ethical standard of students, to deepen the mainstreaming curricular and extracurricular training in values, promoting opportunities for reflection on professional conduct attorney, and generate consensus on the desirability of implementing self-regulatory mechanisms in the exercise of the legal profession. Towards these objectives will be directed our efforts on ..., and look forward to contributing to a responsible exercise of the right. "
For his part, Professor PUCP Law, Julia María Morales Valentín, who in turn plays the high post in the private sector, Telefónica Group's general secretary, addresses with great transparency and sincerity, concern and commitment of the private sector need to have professional services firms with ethical performance, both in their personal lives and in the practice of law in a frank self-commitment of ethical and professional responsibility in law. This, says Morales, as well aware of the private sector, is a tangible manifestation of the "Corporate Governance", which we believe and that our companies institutions and practice, as the law is, undoubtedly, a vehicle for the implementation of economic phenomenon.
On the other hand, the short history of this unique and vital consultation process is developed by the factotum of this initiative, Beatriz Boza Dibos, to say Albán Peralta. Review we have collected at the beginning of this review. Then come the relations of all those involved in this long process of consultation.
The second part contains the Proposed Rules of Professional Conduct and Responsibility in Law (2009), with 142 articles, seven (7) titles, 18 chapters, with 19 definitions, in a total of 29 pages and exposure Memorandum in 196 pp.
Like any serious work meets the standards of scientific rigor and has a "Glossary of Terms" to better understand the text of the proposal. It is noteworthy that it has not fallen into the common weakness of many lawyers to influence the polysemy or-many, complicating an interpretation suitable syntactic, semantic and contextual. Metabasis is absent or policy gaps and proper implementation of the deductive method or logic. This certainly gives the proposal a special value as "rules of conduct" and production of legal interpretation.
Following are the normative content of the "Principles General "which deals with the" Mission of the lawyer and the law "and" General Duties and prohibitions. " Under Title III is "The relationship with the customer." The Fourth: "Relations with the authorities." In the V: "The relationships with colleagues and with others": In the sixth, "the responsibility of the lawyer." The VII: Promotion and discipline.
The third part divided into seven chapters present the "result of Public Consultation: Analysis and Justification," which precisely developed and Chocano Boza lawyers. ATTORNEY MISSION

is the second book with 114 pp. He was in charge of students PUCP right, members of Themis. Recognized institution created in 1965 with the main objective of spreading the country's legal culture, which certainly goes far beyond legal doctrine, given the legal culture refers to a broader concept.
The book is divided into a presentation in the proposition of the methodological aspects and responses to nine questions that seek to cover the main issues surrounding the mission of the lawyer who made Themis team to 16 lawyers, judges, teachers and prominent lawyers. Among the main questions are: Who can we call a lawyer? Who has the profession?. Are Standards of Conduct applicable to all lawyers, no matter the scope or professional role to play (for example, journalist or congressman)? Who is considered to be a lawyer? Should give higher priority to its customer, justice or the state Constitutional law? Do you agree with the position taken by the proposal in Article 1? How do you think your daily work specific mission of the profession? Social responsibility is part of the mission of attorney? Does, for example, pro bono work should be mandatory?, Etc.
To all this we must add two important questions related to the Constitution State Constitutional Law: Should a lawyer defend and fight for the constitutional rule of law? By the fundamental principles of justice, freedom, etc?.
The interviewees were: Reynaldo Bustamante Alarcon Jimena Cayo Rivera Schreiber, Giancarlo Celis Noriega, Juan Carlos Cortes Carcelén, Javier de Belaunde Lopez de Romana, Eloy Espinoza Barrera-Saldaña, Huascar drain Rivero, Cesar Luna-Victoria León, Julia María Morales Valentín ; Manuel Monteagudo Valdez Pozada Giovanni Priori, Carlos Rivera Paz Jimena Sánchez Velarde, Martin Sotero Garzón; Mayen Ugarte Vásquez-Solis, Gonzalo Zegarra Mulanovich.
Additionally, Themis conducted a survey on these issues to 50 lawyers employed by or associated with a group of major studies of Lima. GRADUATION

Add 355 pp. He was in charge of civil association members Ius et Veritas, founded in 1990 with the aim of promoting and contributing to the intellectual debate and promote opportunities for discussion on the various branches of law. The book is divided into 5 chapters. The first focuses on the "Customer Intimacy" and is translated into seven interesting articles. The second addresses the "Relations with the authorities" in two suggestive articles. The third place "Relationships with colleagues and with others" in a sensible article. The fourth is the "responsibility of counsel", also in a very accurate article. Finally, the fifth is dedicated to the "promotion and discipline," a very concrete way in one article.
Finally there is a detailed index of these valuable contributions written by prominent law students PUCP, and unfortunately, for lack of space, we could identify each one with its corresponding article. We can only
warmly congratulate all those who have made this great contribution for the growth and recognition of special value to the responsible and ethical use of our beloved profession.

Audios To Masterbate To

(Posted in Law No. 321 of 09.21.2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Graduate in Law, History and Communication Studies.
Professor of History of Law in UIGV.

At the request of many readers develop this article on the origins of Empiricism ", given that Law No. 310 of 07.06.2010, we addressed the topic" Legal Empiricism. " The application is based on the first article discusses the second branch or specialization. Indeed, in our view, distorted or Moreover, denatured for its origin, since the law took empiricism own profiles according to the nations where you applied and developed, as we have seen.
However, we must make clear that, although the "empirical law" as such, its origin and development (story) - has not been properly worked to the extent it deserves, it is also true that on its variants There are plenty of foreign literature in the United States, England and the Netherlands. This generous situation occurs with "empiricism" as philosophical, in general. Indeed, on this subject abound books and articles in all languages and countries, however, many of them lack a legal approach as we intend to do now. History of Empiricism

In this context, the history of empiricism is very old and, no doubt, can be traced back to classical antiquity, mainly from Greece and Rome. Aspect, we repeat, is well covered in the books of philosophy and history of philosophy. Hence, only some aspects apostilled to complement the theme of "Legal Empiricism."
In particular, we, we are interested in English empiricism that is the product of the modern age, ranging from 1453 to 1789. Time of great voyages and discoveries geographical and scientific application of the greatest inventions (compass, improvement of gunpowder, paper and printing-the latter invented by the Chinese-), the rapid development of natural sciences in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth with the contributions of astronomers, mathematicians and physicists, as says the historian of science, a Russian national Koyré Alexandre (Tangarog, Russia 1892-Paris 1964).
In fact, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) set out to test, separately, empirically, the physical reality of the heliocentric system proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). He pulled to tear the old geocentric theory of antiquity, which was held by the Greek Hipparchus (130 BC) and the Egyptian Claudius Ptolemy (100-170 AD), and accepted by the ancient philosophers and Christian theologians until the seventeenth century. Here is a clear example of the relativity of scientific knowledge, the geocentric paradigm over the heliocentric paradigm, in the words of American philosopher and historian of science Thomas Kuhn (Cincinnati 1922-Cambridge 1997).
Despite these assertions, to address comprehensively the origin of empiricism, we must draw some lines from birth or creation. This goes along with the application inductive method, which, be said at once, was the one applied in ancient times to Aristotle (384-322 BC) and was favored in the Middle Ages with their blind dogmatism, however, happily restored in the Modern Age specifically in the Renaissance period by the English jurist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626), which, indeed, was a break with a return to Aristotle and Plato (428-347 BC), notes the English philosopher Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970).

The inductive method (from the particular to general) it is through observation and experimentation. Was applied originally by Aristotle (384-322 BC, Aristotle called for his place of birth in Macedonia), in his studies of biology and also in the comparison of the 150 constitutions of the Greek nations who came to collect. Among them, Athens, issued by Solon (640-559 BC).
In the application of induction, Aristotle avoids-as much as possible, disposable assumptions, and only based on facts. Hence, writes bluntly: "It is easy to weave the hypothesis" (...) "Science should be based on reality, which is as close to the truth, because" one thing can be true in a sense and false in another ", hence the need to" try and test it well. "More," to observe and experience "to" prove. "
The process of testing a "proposal" involves the construction of arguments. However, identified three types of "propositions": 1. Universal ("All ..."; example:" All men are mortal ") 2. Particular ("Some ..."; example:" Some men are wise ") 3. Individual ("Socrates is ..."; example:" Peter is wise. "When we combine propositions in an argument, the individual should be treated as a proposition universal. The propositions are affirmative or negative, according to affirm or deny something of a subject.
Now, from one or more proposals and called "premises", we deduce other propositions which are followed or are a consequence of these premises. The fundamental type of every argument, according to Aristotle, is what he called "syllogism." A syllogism is an argument with two premises of subject-predicate with a term in common. This intermediate term disappears in the conclusion. Thus, all human beings are rational, children are human beings, therefore, children are rational beings. In this case, the conclusion is derived from premises, so the argument is valid. As for the truth or otherwise of the premises, that is another matter. What matters is to discover what syllogistic arguments are valid and which not. (1)
Specifically, inductivism was based on an Aristotelian syllogism, leading to the reasoning from the particular to the general. Example: "John likes philosophy, a philosophy like Walter, Pierre likes philosophy. John, Walter and Peter are teachers. Ergo, all teachers like philosophy. In sum, the major contribution of Aristotle was in formal logic. Of what was theirs to give a general explanation of how the arguments. In other words, for him was "an instrument of knowing and testing, a tool used as a method to the knowledge of any kind of reality, but is not itself a substance." Hence, Aristotle used the name of "organon" and not "logic" that "was invented later by the Stoics." (2) Aristotelian logic

Well, all this was reflected in a set of treatises by Aristotle were compiled by Andronicus of Rhodes, 200 years later, ie, in the s. BC Only in the Middle Ages in the s. V-this body of work was entitled to Organon (named after the ancient Greek meaning "instrument", "method" and that Aristotle frequently used). Indeed, it was the most significant of Aristotelian work became an "academic discipline able to analyze arguments and determine their validity by the formal rules of syllogism."
The logic was instrumental in the Trivium, ie all the three disciplines: grammar, logic and rhetoric. In other words, the three basic ways of teaching ancient and medieval to ensure success in the Quadrivium, where they taught the four essences knowledge or science: arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry and Music. LEGAL LOGIC

Sea should be noted at once. The logic was introduced, and is still in force, as a technique of argumentation in judicial activity. All claim interpretation argument, however, in the field of law enforcement this interpretation has to be translated into a decision to be autonomous and independent of political pressures, economic and social. The correct position was subject to criticism and attacks by those who felt that the judge should only be limited to a literal interpretation of the law, that is, to say, without further arguments or additional trials that could generate a new right. Moreover, there were those who thought that the interpretation was to be strictly (mathematically) literal and always upholding and defending the sovereignty of the kingdom, namely, supporting the king.
In the first position was, for example, the illustrious and great English judge Edward Coke (1552-1634), who, even faced the King James I of England (James Charles Stuart or James Charles Stuart, 1566-1625) for enforce the rights of the monarch's will. His tenacious opponent was Francis Bacon (1561-1626), to support the thesis that the "role of judges is jus to say and not jus dare, interpret the law, not make law or to the right." (3)
Unfortunately, the latter view won the day and was endorsed by lawyers as the theologian Irish empiricist George Berkeley (1685-1753) and the philosopher David Hume (1711-1776). Indeed, the Irish lawyer said: "The law itself is an old and faithful servant of the king is the instrument or means used to govern his people. I've never read or heard that rex is lex, but is most common and most true that rex is lex. "
Following this order of ideas, this biased theory was also assumed by the French political and legal philosopher Baron de Monstesquieu and Braden, Charles-Louis de Secondat (1689-1755), who noted that "the court is only the mouth that pronounces the word of the law." Later and gradually, she will join seamlessly and German lawyers Julius Hermann von Kirchmann (1802-1884), Ernst Zitelman (1852-1923) and Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), and also the Italian Francesco Carnelutti (1879 -1965). Without doubt, this is the most rancid iuspositivism. (4)
But fortunately, there were also other no less distinguished legal philosopher that supported and defended, and there are still those who do, the theory that the judge must interpret the text of the law , argue, and to fill gaps or deficiencies in the law, legislating through case law.
On this side of the edge of legality are German lawyers Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779-1861), who despite being the father of legal positivism held that the law (the law) is a product of popular spirit (Volksgeist ), ie the people, which is, he says, the true and authentic legislature. For this reason, we say without euphemism, the "Historical School of Law, founded by him, he strongly opposed the Parliament's legislative function without knowing and valuing the customs and standards developed by the people. Issue that we have developed in the article on the "legal empiricism." Along the same lines, Von Savigny rejected the coding rules of the States (Civil Codes of Prussia, 1794; de France 1804, and Austria 1811), which, consciously or unconsciously, helped to promote comparative law, given that Embossed put any and all law, but noted as historical model to keep in mind, Roman law, as the Italian jurist said Francesco Messineo (Calabria 1886 -?).
Well, if the proposition of Von Savigny was attacked by Von Kirschmann, corresponded to another famous German jurist radically opposed to both. It was Rudolf von Ihering (1818-1892), who defended the theory of the social function of law outside the supported logical formalism "blindly" by positivists and conceptualist. Moreover, his disciple and fellow Hermann Kantorowicz (1877-1940), who, prima facie, learned law in the books of the first two, then turned and joined his master Von Ihering, stressing that he could interpret and judge would argue, to fill voids or gaps (Metabasis) of the Act, and, indeed, go so far as to decide against the absolutism of her (contrarius legem). The same position was the German jurist Gustav Radbruch (1878-1949), etc. Among the contemporary Peruvian jurists follow this trend, we can mention the renowned litigators John Federico Monroy Galvez (Pisco, Ica, n. 1950), who demand a constitutional provision empowering the court to interpret to stop being a mere letter of the law applicator, that is, to us, a mere and simple law operator. (Vid. Law No. 308 of 22.06.2010). (5) Also, on the other hand, Kantorowicz said the scientific nature of law as a "cultural-egological science" with its own method: the empiricism- dialectical. "
Finally, something that should fill us with pride. The legal philosopher Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias Peru (Lima, b. 1918) has created a systematic theory of legal interpretation, which called interpretandi Ratio ", and the particular has written an essay on legal interpretation, being the" deductive method or logic "one of the fundamentals of it. This is used to solve the problems of the antífasis (contradiction law) and to determine the meaning of one or more rules, and deductively (from general to particular). This is obviously contrary to the induction (6).
But back to the Aristotelian induction. A prima facie case, she was adopted by the scientific development of the late sixteenth century, pushed, in principle by empiricism, however, the reforms that boosted its promoter primitive at the start of the seventeenth century. We speak English jurist and philosopher Francis Bacon. No doubt this was the birth of "physical positivism," which later turned to scientific positivism. In other words, was the review and reformulation of the Aristotelian syllogism posed by Bacon, who sued and proposed a new method or instrument of discovery that will replace it, but always based on the induction or, rather, "a new version of the induction. "
In this vein, Francis Bacon was convinced that the Aristotelian induction had been a drag on scientific development. Hence, set out to demonstrate his approach. Regard, Russell, said: "Historically, Aristotle's influence has been more obstructive, mainly due to the lavish and blind dogmatism of many of his followers." (7)

FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626)
Indeed, the history of empiricism is found in Bacon, whom we call "scientific counsel, not because they devoted to study and the scientific support of the law but, instead, devoted all his scientific concerns the testing of physical phenomena . For him, practice of law was only a way of life. His happiest moments were spent experiencing physical phenomena, hence it is the precursor of empiricism.
Bacon should be clarified that belonged to the generation of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century and was an outspoken political foe of authoritarianism, therefore, a supporter of the nascent British liberalism, which advocated the change of political order estates up prevailing in the Middle Ages by the representative of the new constitution, which came along with the modern age. It was, therefore, the triumph of "constitutional monarchy" in the words of the distinguished jurist and political scientist English Manuel García Pelayo (Zamora 1909-Venezuela 1991).

In this vein, Bacon was not content just to observe, experiment and test, but also, always comparing their experiments, the facts and reality. Therefore, without fear of any mistake can be considered as one of the first comparatists in England. Indeed, comparing the legal systems of justice advocated the creation of a universal, equal for all men without distinction of classes and nations. Hence, it was a regular attendance at the taverns where they met the operative masonry, being perhaps one of the first members not contributing beds to sow the seeds of new speculative Freemasonry, which erupted in 1717, under the banners of freedom, equality and universal brotherhood of men.

Indeed, Bacon was one of the enthusiastic developers to adopt in England thought "esoteric", which, moreover, who came to practice were grouped into "secret societies" and met in "privacy" as says the renowned English historian Frances Amelia Yates (1899-1981), who has studied deeply esoteric and hidden aspects of the Renaissance in England. Similarly, Francis also was a noted exponent of thought "Rosicrucian" and his ideas to build an idealized society were found on the paragraphs in his book The New Atlantis, (8) published in 1626, utopia based on human brotherhood and inspired by the story told by the Athenian philosopher Plato (Aristocles Aristides, 428-347 BC) in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. There is no doubt that this is a sign of his admiration for the philosopher and his rejection of Aristotelian rationalism.
Francis Bacon was first Verulamd Baron and Viscount St. Albans. He studied law at Gray Bar in London. He was attorney general in 1607, treasurer of the kingdom in 1613, Privy Councillor in 1616 and chancellor of kingdom in 1618. At one point in his political life and jurist (1621) was charged with bribery and malfeasance, for which she was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
Bacon retired from public life and devoted himself to philosophy, to experience and write their essays. Experiment was conducted as happened to the last day of his life. Indeed, it was an innate scientific advocated freedom from theology and Aristotelian logic, given that both led to confusion. Therefore, the rejected. Hence the expression that became a methodological dictum: "Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion." (9)
Finally, Francis Bacon believed that only came to the truth by experiment and inductive reasoning (from the particular to general). Wanted to create an "experimental philosophy" that is, a "New Organon" and that reflected in his two books titled scientiarum Novum Organum (1620), which are an essential part of his major work Instauratio Magna. Bacon's work and rejected the Aristotelianism greatly influenced John Locke.

JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)
was the founder and promoter of empiricism. Like Bacon, born in England, six years after his death. Belonged to a Puritan family, advocate parliamentarism. His father worked as a rural lawyer and joined Parliament's army to fight against the tyrannical King Charles I (1600-1649), defeated and beheaded in 1649.
Locke was educated at Westminster School and Oxford University. After completing his studies scholastics became professor of Greek, ethics and philosophy at Christ Church, Oxford. Then he became interested in experimental science embracing medicine. He stressed it quickly, as in the knowledge of philosophers and physicians, both Greeks and Romans. Indeed, had full mastery of knowledge and theories of Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Aesculapius etc. Moreover, the overwhelming sympathy and commitment he had for Francis Bacon. In the salons of London, they talked endlessly about this new young humanist.
a young man experienced the heat of the English Civil War, the same one that exploded in 1647, against King Charles I Stuart (1600-1649), led by Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), who took office with the office of Lord Protector and created the republic. This monarch, son of King James I, was executed by the people and Parliament, two years later, in 1649. Shortly after Cromwell's death in 1660, was restored the monarchy and assumed the throne Charles II Stuart (1630-1685), son of the murdered king.
was in this new era in which Locke, aged 28, was called by the Lord Hashley, first Earl of Shafterbury, who appointed him as his secretary. Moreover, debuted in the battles policies when he was appointed by his patron in the office of secretary of the Council of Commerce and Agriculture. Charles II, had established an excellent policy of coexistence with the parliament, and letting it rule over the kingdom. Realized that the father's pride and stubbornness were the best ways to keep the monarchy. Moreover, there was an absolute monarchy in England actually curdled.
John Locke, both by his family as by the influence of Bacon, was an ardent parliamentarian, bent on religious tolerance. Like his employer Lord Hashley, joined the stream of moderate aristocrats. But unfortunately, the bigots have won positions, and the Lord Chancellor Hashley was accused of treason by King Charles II Stuart, so he had to take refuge in Holland. Same fate befell the young newcomer in politics, but with a different destination. Let's see.
By not feel safe in London, Locke fled to Paris in 1675. Befriended the English chemist and scientist Robert Boyle (Ireland 1627-London 1691). Advantage of self-imposed exile to write and finish some projects. He then returned to England and was forced back to flee. This time it did to the Netherlands. In Amsterdam, John Locke knew and was related to William of Orange (The Hague 1650-London 1702), later king of England and big winner of the English Glorious Revolution of 1688.
Charles II Stuart died in 1685 and had succeeded his brother James II Stuart (1633-1701), who was deposed precisely in 1688 and with his defeated troops, called Jacobites, came to France, taking with them the principles, ideals Masonic and operational experience, leading to the creation of the Scottish Rite (red) to differentiate it from York (blue) that had been consolidated in the island. Hence, the first lodge created in France dating from 03.25.1689, taking into account that James II Stuart was dismissed on 11.12.1688.
However, in honor of the historical truth we must be honest in recognizing that "much evidence related to the Freemasons between 1689 and 1745 were lost, intentionally or otherwise, in the heat of events." This happened, mainly with Scottish Freemasonry, for the reason indicated above. (10)
Well, John was the great philosopher of the parliamentary and popular movement, which created, no doubt, a new civil society in England, leading the ideals liberal and intellectual revolution with the new symbolic Freemasonry (1717), both the European and the American continent. By then, the great achievements of the "Invisible College", with its lights, Locke, Boyle, etc., Had already been made by the "Royal Society" (The Royal Society of London), established in 1660, supported King Charles II Stuart. It is important to remember that this school, indeed, remained "invisible" for many years, and was the crucible of brothers breast and Rosicrucians and Freemasons "operative" who sought the study, meditation and development of human beings. Without a doubt, one of the primal pillars of speculative or symbolic Freemasonry was formally constituted on 6/24/1717. Historical theme of singular value to avoid formal historians investigate and treat, with few exceptions, such as the British historian Yates.
Locke retired from public life in 1691, to Oates in Essex. He kept experimenting, formulating new theories and writing. He died in 1704, happy to have eliminated the political authoritarianism, religious and civil, and having established the first modern liberal state model, consisting of the brake balance of Parliament over the king. There is no doubt that the father of empiricism gained a great influence on the thinking and actions of the Anglo-Saxon world, resulting in later legal empiricism. His major work was entitled Essay on Human Understanding published in 1690. A year earlier published Two Treatises on Civil Government (1689). No doubt there are many works that have been scattered. BACON AND LOCKE

The scientific interest in joining these two great minds English. So much so that John is focused on ideas and experiences that Francis had made in this field, half a century earlier.
Something else is also noteworthy that the concept of experience is complex, however, to make it more concrete, we believe that Locke began with the idea that the system of empiricism had to reject all rational knowledge, Also, ideas or knowledge innate in human beings, who can only learn exclusively by the experience.
In this vein, he said, bluntly, that the human being is born with the mind pure, like a "blank sheet" and that he in his development experience within the company is acquiring knowledge Little by little, the mature. Fewer words words, I propose that man is born good and society corrupts him and spoiled, so it is a defender of the state of nature. In this sense, was more radical than Bacon.
certainly believe that the original ideas of empiricism of Locke received the work Novum Organum scientiarum (1620) by Bacon, which systematized in his own essay entitled An Enssay on Human Understanding. In this context, this doctrine was developed with the name "English empiricism", having great acceptance in the scientific community then, obviously with critics and detractors. Empiricism

Undoubtedly, the history of legal empiricism is the philosophy of Locke, who in the field of legality held and defended his position of "natural state of freedom and equality of men."
In fact, John, ran: "man, as we have shown already born with a title to perfect freedom and enjoyment Unlimited all rights and privileges of natural law. It has, therefore, by nature, like any other man or any number of men who are in the world, not only the power to defend their property, ie life, liberty and property against the abuses and connections of others, has also the power to punish and prosecute breaches of the law committed by others, to the extent that his conviction deserves the crime committed, and may even punish with death, when heinous of crimes requires, in his opinion. "Hence their criticism and rejection of its previous proposals of compatriot and philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), supporter of the authoritarian monarchy.
The empiricist Locke conceives of freedom as a practical and material value, enjoyment and experience, therefore, certainly not as an abstract value. In this context, consider that freedom is complemented by equal and vice versa as well. Something else, on the one hand, freedom and equality are regarded as property of men, like material goods. And, on the other hand, liberalism is an experienced response against the absolute monarchy lived, felt and rejected by society, which starts in the family, which is the first social contract that comes with marriage between a man and woman and extends then the children, as envisaged by the Macedonian philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) and endorsed the German jurist and legal philosopher Heinrich Ahrens (1808-1874), holding that the first legal order created by man was the family law. -----

(1) Russell, Bertrand. Wisdom of the West. Translated by Juan Garcia-Puente. Aguilar. Second Edition. Madrid. 1975. p. 81 et seq.
(2) Ibid. p. 85.
(3) Garcia-Pelayo, Manuel. Comparative constitutional law. Manuals Revista de Occidente. Seventh Edition. Madrid. 1964. p. 263 (García-Pelayo himself quoted BACON: Essays Civil and Moral (1597-1625). London. 1914. LVI. P. 85).
(4) THE SOLAR ROJAS, Francisco José. The Science of Law: Of natural law to legal positivism. Rectorate Notebooks No. 17, UIGV. Lima. 2009. pp. 40-76.
(5) MONROY GALVEZ, Juan F. To "my other heart," Law, Process and other troubles. 2 volumes. Edit. Communitas. Lima. 2010. p. 63.
(6) Cantuarias Miro Quesada, Francisco. Interpretandi ratio, test of legal hermeneutics. UIGV. Editorial Fund. Lima. 2000. p. 164.
(7) RUSSELL, Bertrand. Op cit. p.
81 (8) Baigent, Michael and Leigh, Richard. Masons and Templars. mr-editions. Metro Madrid Ediciones SA 2009. p. 159, 162 and 219.
(9) BACON, Francis. Novum Organum. Ed J. Spedding. RL Ellis and DD Heath. New York. 1869. Reissue 1969. p. 210.
(10) Baigent, Michael and Leigh, Richard. Op. p. 200.

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Haya de la Torre: "the Solon Peruvian "Just

(Posted in Law No. 314 of August 3, 2010)

Francisco José
Lawyer PUCP and U. Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Professor of Law at the UIGV
Ex-secretary general of the Latin American Integration (OILAM), Caracas. Venezuela.

Yesterday, 2 August, turned 21 years after the death of the illustrious patrician Peruvian permanent light of Latin American integration, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre (Trujillo 22-02-1895-Lima 08/02/1979) . Exceptional and exemplary politician, brilliant jurist -But no lawyer, legislator illustrious national and continental, humanist, philosopher and economist deeply concerned about giving "bread and freedom, welfare and labor to all Peruvians, mainly the poor, and committed social activist, and legal just causes of the Indian, the peasant, the worker and the worker in general. LIFE

Victor Raul was born February 22, 1895, in Trujillo. Edmund was the son of Raúl Haya and Zoila Cardenas and Victoria de la Torre and Cardenas. His parents were cousins, why parents of young people opposed to their affair. Both families were close relationship with the two vice-presidents of the republic. One, the first vice-president, a distinguished lawyer Pedro del Solar Gaváz Alexandria and his wife María del Rosario Cárdenas and Carrillo. Another, the second vice president, general Justinian Borgoño Castañeda.
Through the good offices of marriage and Cardenas Del Solar, who traveled specially from Lima to Trujillo, the engagement was accepted. Raúl Edmundo and Zoila Victoria married on 28/04/1894. Nearly 10 months after Víctor Raúl was born. The first name of the mother and the second by the father. Aunt Rosario Carrillo Cardenas and was the sister and cousin that would be maternal and paternal grandmother of Victor Raúl.
The deep love of the young couple's family grew rapidly. The following year saw the light of José Agustín - "spoon" for the family. Subsequently, continued Zoila, Lucy and Edmund, the youngest of all, whom they called "pine". (1) communication, understanding, tolerance and identification, strengthened the ties of the Haya de la Torre. They were a beautiful and happy family that is characterized not only by the love between them but for their commitment and human and social sensitivity to others. Víctor Raúl
studied at the Seminary of San Carlos and San Marco by French Vincentian priests. From a young age was noted for his generosity and greatness of spirit. Gathered his brothers and barium boys he taught them and taught them to solve the tasks, giving them precise guidelines to succeed in school and organized activities are puppets, drama, sports and excursions.
In 1915, Hague entered to study Literature at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (A T), and with the same dedication, kindness, honesty and fraternity participated actively in the intellectual group of Trujillo, also known as "Bohemia Trujillana" or simply "North Group." Víctor Raúl addition, it formed, among others, Macedonio de la Torre, César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza, Jose Eulogio Garrido, Alcides Spelucín, Juan Espejo Asturrizaga, Julio Gálvez Orrego, Carlos Manuel Cox, Cucho Haya de la Torre, Daniel Hoyle, Fred Esquerre, Manuel Vásquez Díaz and Antenor Orrego-the largest of the group, who was editor of the newspaper La Reforma, owned by Victor Larco Herrera, and was the genius who discovered the young Vallejo, published in 1914, his first poems. (2)
worth remembering, on this occasion, the deep friendship between Victor and Cesar Raul Abraham. This was three years older than that. Felipe Cossio del Pomar, Haya biographer, says that both young Victor studied together and defended Caesar against other students who taunted the young poet, who insulted a cholo Indian huachafo and petulant. More than once, even to the point of reaching the shock with which the poet "no sympathy" because of his physical weakness, but was forced to participate in some fights.
At a banquet given to Victor Raul, after a political victory and boxing, Vallejo asked to speak and said: "I offer my cup poet this condor chick ... I prophet announced that fly very high, and will be great , great, great ... "Undoubtedly, the was sincere and mutual affection. In this context, Haya wrote the comedy Triumph of vanity in defense of Vallejo, who was maligned and underestimated by the "high class Trujillo, given that repudiated both his poems as his emaciated Indian face marked with thick hair. The work was intended to teach a lesson "that kind" and was successfully presented by the Company recognized Amalia de Isaura, theater Ideal, of Trujillo, in 1916.

Víctor Raúl Trujillo was elected delegate to the Federation of Students of Peru, whose headquarters was in Lima, so it had to come to the capital in 1917. He received his Luis Varela Orbegoso uncle, who, in turn, he enrolled at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos) to continue his law studies. He began working in 1918 at the prestigious firm of lawyer Eleodoro Romero Salcedo (Lambayeque Lima 1855-1931), cousin of the then ex-President Augusto Bernardino Leguía and Salcedo, in the period 1908-1912. He remained there until 1921, near the San Marcos professor Chairholder Peruvian History of Law and former Dean of the College of Lawyers of Lima, 1916-1917. The firm was located across the street from the Raffle 332, where he also practiced attorney, recently graduated, Alfonso Loredo Benavides (Lima 1893-1939). Years later, this would be the criminal who defended Leguía at the end of authoritarian Oncenio "(1919-1930), in the trial that opened the dictatorship of Commander Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro (3).
Hague in San Marcos met and engaged friendship with Professor José Gálvez Barrenechea (Tarma, Junín 1885-Lima 1957) and his fellow students Raúl Porras Barrenechea (Pisco, Ica 1897-Lima 1960), Luis Alberto Sanchez (Lima 1900-1994), Jorge Basadre Grohmann (Tacna 1903-Lima 1980), Manuel G. Hurtado supplies (Moquegua 1893-Lima 1983), Hernando de Lavalle y García (1899-1967 Lima), Guillermo del Solar Ureta (Lima 1898-1960) Jorge Guillermo Leguía Iturregui, Vegas Ricardo García, Guillermo Luna Cartland, Moreyra and Carlos Paz Soldan, Elías Emilio del Solar, Pablo Abril de Vivero, José Luis Llosa Belaunde and Jose Quesada Larra, among others. With some of them formed the "University Discussion," and made up the age group known as "La Reforma." Víctor Raúl
agencies began their own resources and rejected the recommendation of his mother to live with a close family . He had several very wealthy and prominent politicians, however, found a modest pension for students (Stone Street 337). However, the visited spoke with them and asked about the role they had to play in national politics. Among others, for example, ate on Monday with his only aunt Rosario Cárdenas and Carrillo, widow of Peter Alexandrinus Gaváz Solar (Lima 1829-1909). On Tuesday it was in the house of his uncle, lawyer and senator, Amador Cardenas Felipe del Solar uncles' son-(Lima 1863-1926). Always accompanied the Chilean millionaire uncle Marcial Acharán-husband of his aunt Ana Lucia de la Torre Cardenas, sister of his mother, who was widowed in 1910. Nevertheless, he maintained a special fondness for his nephews, especially Victor and Augustine ("spoon"). We characterized a great social sensitivity and made a substantial donation "to the young workers in Trujillo, creating with his own money a school of arts and crafts. It was 1918 and Hague
his second year of law. Academic gatherings organized with the participation of workers and this had the support of his cousins, fellow students and friends. Among others, Benjamin Morales del Solar (Lima 1878-1955), who was the son of famous attorney and political Lima Arequipa Manuel Morales (former Minister of State in the third administration of General Ramón Castilla and Marquis) and Jesus Solar Gaváz (sister of Peter of Alexandria) - husband, since 1904, which was the child prodigy pianist, Rosa Mercedes Ayarza Morales. Home that is visited, and later attended the gatherings of musicians, poetry, politics and law that marriage offered, with the formal auspices of the "Poet of Youth", a lawyer and university professor and Gálvez Barrenechea, Amparo spouse Ayarza since 1913, first cousin of Rosa Mercedes (4).
Also, the Solar-child Ureta Daniel Ureta de la Jara and Maria Rosa Cárdenas del Solar, daughter of Peter of Alexandria and uncles Rosario Solar-grandson Elijah the prominent lawyer Emilio Agustin del Solar and Mendiburu (Arequipa 1835-Lima 1909), former dean of the Faculty of Law and founder of Chosica UNMSM. (5) Mariano Prado Heudebert-son of the renowned lawyer and Ugarteche Mariano Ignacio Prado (Lima 1870 - 1946), former dean of the Faculty of Law, San Marcos., etc.
in 1918, has traveled to Cusco and served as secretary of the prefecture, for six months. Long enough to know and live firsthand the hunger and misery of the Indian. This painful experience will chisel the heart and soul, which he reinforced his fighting spirit to achieve greater and greater social justice for all poor and oppressed people of Peru. Knew that in his condition college student and delegate of the federation could raise their voices in protest and claim rights to those dispossessed and forgotten of God. His first challenge was to persuade about 500 thousand university students who formed the Federation flagship. A mid-year, Vallejo received in Lima, and introduced him to his group of friends who join him with genuine affection. Similarly, it took him to the great writer Manuel Prada González-Ulloa, who died shortly after (Lima 1844-22-07-1918).
then, Hague was fully identified by González-Prada, for its frank and open spirit of activism in favor of the Indians, the poor and the provinces, and having no effective response from governments embraced and promoted anarchy in the country. Víctor Raúl was a rebel, an iconoclast and demanding critic of reality, the system of education and their teachers. This, thanks to its rich intellectual and cultural product of his profound studies in the seminary and its permanent trujillano reading habit. As he read the classics, was up to date with scientific and social works of the period. He had great respect for their teachers, lawyers Alejandro Deustua Escarza (Huancayo 1849-Lima 1945), Javier Prado y Ugarteche (Lima 1871-1921) and Manuel Vicente Villarán Godoy (Lima 1873-1958). Combined with Master unique philosophy, economics, history, law and literature.

On 12/23/1918, the workers of the textile factory "El Inca" went on strike, demanding the maximum workday of eight hours and a salary increase of 25 percent. The struggle for the workday had begun several years ago. But the stubborn governments had remained indifferent to the claims. Consequently, there were conscientious work and fighting spirit of social class. Only needed a leader that would group these wills and leads to success through dialogue and consultation reasoned and fair. Undoubtedly, this was Víctor Raúl, and the historic opportunity presented and put on the road.
The president of the Federation of Students of Peru (FEP) was awarded to Hernando de Lavalle y García-eminent son of the supreme vocal José Antonio de Lavalle and Brown (1858-Barranco Lima 1918) and Rosalia Garcia (Vid. Law No. 186, of 19.02.2008). Beech seconded the motion to support the textile workers, the same as was adopted by absolute majority. Since then, both student leaders forged a close and sincere friendship that lasted until the death of Hernando. In this context, the workers gathered at the local comprehensive student Palace Exhibition. Víctor Raúl set a fundamental objective: to achieve the eight-hour day and leave for another occasion the rise of wages. Said then: "What matters is this historic achievement for which much blood has flowed working in the world. Mean working fewer hours, automatically, more wages, if they do not change. " And this was agreed unanimously.

eight-hour day
After hard and difficult negotiations, the government agreed. Supreme Decree of January 15, 1919, granted and approved the daily maximum of eight hours. Development Minister, lawyer Arequipa Manuel R. Vinelli, carried out the direct relationship with Haya and union leaders. He acknowledged the courage and bravery of Victor Raul, had taken the decision to proceed to the end with the strikers, "die with the workers." (6)
With this political success, ad-slides-a bit more than a month turned 24, began serving Vallejo prescient admonition: the "pigeon Condor began to fly high and go far. There is no doubt who was the first really significant victory for Peruvian workers. Also, the heart of the town grew, in fact, the first face Single manual and intellectual workers from Peru, I dream that killed the teacher González-Prada.
In 1922, the eminent jurist José Matías Manzanilla Barrientos (1867-Ica, Lima 1947), offered his chambers to Victor Raul to practice, given the concern that Hague had youth labor law and administrative, which were full San Marcos master domain. The sharpness of the bright student led him to understand quickly that this was not the driver that he needed, and defending the interests of the rich.

Undoubtedly, from 01/15/1919, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre became the principal leader of the college and the working class. Never sought confrontation with the capital and investment, promoted it the dialogue, consultation and the utmost consideration and respect for the worker, requiring the claim to the rights of Indian and peasant communities. As this was included in the candidate's political project Augusto B. Leguia, who wanted to be president for a second time, Haya, students, workers, middle class and intellectuals gave their massive support for the period 1919-1923.
Indeed, the political project was aimed Leguia to create a "New Nation", with a strong social demand character in keeping with the global context marked by the agrarian revolution of 1910 and its modern Constitution of Querétaro, 1917, the end of the First World War (1914-1918) and the triumph of the Russian Revolution (1918). That was how the Peruvians had the new constitution of 1920 which was primarily social and left behind the old name of liberal or conservative. Better yet was the beginning of the "social constitutionalism," as noted by the young lawyer Mario Rabanal Gonzalo Chavez (7).
In this vein, Haya wanted to contribute to the construction of a new Peruvian republic overcoming problems and trauma since the conquest, viceroyalty and Republican era steeped in rampant militarism. It was not looking back but forward, seeking the integration of the American people, looking for the negotiation and fair treatment to foreign investment, where relationships are deeply humanistic work, which has primacy of the welfare and happiness and security that peace between peoples and men, with clear rules of regionalization and planning to ensure and strengthen the growth and development of all citizens by protecting the poorest, mainly the Indian and peasant, who require education and inclusion, etc.
however, was not allowed. He was deported in 1924. He returned in 1930 for a sweet crowd. He founded the APRA party (PAP). Commander Sanchez stole the presidency in 1931 and failed to respect the rights of the 23 representatives to the Constituent Congress APRA, to which submitted to the illegitimate and illegal "Emergency Security Law of the Republic" (January 1932). It began a year of suffering and blood. "The year of barbarism" in their titles it work exhausted journalist Guillermo Thorndike. (8) He was arrested on 06/05/1932. The town was rising up until July 7 of that year, his fans in his hometown, on its own initiative, took the O'Donovan headquarters. The massive armed retaliation was swift. Bombardment of the warplanes resistance ended on 10. At dawn the next, the army occupied the city while shots were still some walls. The 12 began the grim parade of the roughly 2 000 convicts brought to the ruins of Chan-Chan for his execution. The 27 military began the triumphant celebration of national holidays in the aristocratic "Central Club."
Hague would be condemned, but the intellectuals who love freedom and democracy raised their voices of protest (Romain Rolland, Albert Einstein, Gabriela Mistral, Bertrand Russell, Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Miguel de Unamuno, Gregorio Marañón, Ricardo Rojas, Pablo Neruda, Alberto Lleras Camargo, Germain Arciniegas, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, Diego Rivera, among others) demanded his release. It's just got the 08/09/1933, in enacting the new government of General Oscar Raymundo Benavides Larrea, the amnesty law promoted by Prime Minister Jorge Prado y Ugarteche. On 30 August the same year, the commander Sanchez, a general, was killed and this tyrannicide the dictatorship ended. Víctor Raúl
was reunited with his people in a massive rally on 12/11/1933. December 18 was in Trujillo. But this spring democratic would end on 05/01/1934. The new prime minister, lawyer and historian José de la Riva Agüero y Osma (Lima 1885-1944), was suspicious of the APRA and closed any possibility of contact between Benavides and Hague. Elections were called, but they were postponed four times in a row. The fear was that the APRA triumph. So, Haya and APRA were placed outside the law. Saved from being captured on 24.11.1934, when the openly dictatorial regime ordered the arrest and imprisonment of all APRA leaders. From that day until 15/05/1945, Víctor Raúl and many companions lived hand to mouth in the underground. It was the longest period remaining in the "catacombs."
However, the government called elections in 1936. Promoted their candidate, Jorge Prado y Ugarteche, and the couple, condemned the APRA party to be a Latin American integration, as in his "Maximum Program" aimed at "economic and political unity of Latin America", declaring it illegal to 7 - 09-1936. A second candidate was sanchecerrista Luis A. Flores, and a third, the college professor and constitutional conspicuous Manuel Vicente Villarán Godoy, representing the musty civility. Two weeks before the election was entered fourth candidate with the support of a new party called Social Democratic, the lawyer Luis Antonio Eguiguren Escudero (Piura 1887-Lima 1967), which undoubtedly had the support of APRA. Well, was the winner of the contest, and desperately Benavides annulled the election and set to continue in power until 1939. The rest is history
policy known until, in 1978, first in the annals Republicans popular sovereignty was respected, and people freely and transparently elected Victor Raul as a member of the Constituent Assembly, convened by the military government under the leadership of General Francisco Morales-Bermúdez Cerruti. As Hague was the one who achieved the highest vote accounted for exercising the presidency and seek the consensus of the 100 constituencies managed to develop the best Constitution that Peru has had to date. Their high ideals of a modern, democratic state in it are enshrined. As the ruler and eupátrida Athens, Solon (640-559 BC), Haya died convinced that this was "the best constitution that suited the people."

(1) FUND EDITORIAL VR Haya de la Torre. Haya de la Torre: an exemplary life and exemplary. Biography and iconography. Lima. 1989. p. 10 et seq.
(2) DEL SOLAR, José Francisco. "Criminal trial against César Vallejo Mendoza" in Law No. 189 of 11.03.2008.
(3) ---------------------------------------------- . "Leguía criminal trial," in Law No. 223 of 04.11.2008 / "Apostille on Leguía criminal trial," in Law No. 264 of 18.08.2009.
(4) ---------------------------------------------- "Right, music, poetry and politics", in Law No. 180 of 08.01.2008.
(5) MENDOZA DEL SOLAR, Lourdes. "Lawyers today and yesterday: Emilio Agustin del Solar and Mendiburu, founder of Chosica lawyer Arequipa," in Law No. 170 of 10.30.2007.
(6) DEL SOLAR, José Francisco. "In honor of May 1: Haya de la Torre, manager of the working day of eight hours in Peru" in Law No. 144 of 01.05.2007.
(7) CHAVEZ Rabanal, Mario Gonzalo. "Social constitutionalism in the Peruvian legal system," in Law No. 306 of 8-06-2010.THORNDIKE, William, The year of barbarity. Editorial Nueva América. Lima. 1968.