Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can You Get Herpes On The Stomach

Unlike the solstices, equinoxes are not fully festivities solar symbolism, but the crops and fields. As such we must understand them and understand them as such.
both fall and spring, forest, mountain and off the field are men. This well know the grandparents and people from town. In autumn, gather mushrooms, acorns, chestnuts etc. And in spring, collect wild fruit trees, fields and crops. Astrologically the equinoxes represent equality between night and day.
As will be easy to understand, the equinoxes are the god Enguz time and earth. On the one hand the autumn equinox, symbolizing the planting and harvest of the crop. And on the other the Spring, also symbolize the collection and planting of crops.
Like solstices are festivals of celebration and commemoration symbolic. In autumn sowing the god bless Enguz, and spring collection grateful to God Enguz. Ritualization

Among the old people in northern Europe, is used to identify the equinoxes with plantings, and for that there was a ritual, which is represented by a sowing of the seeds.
We will take the symbolism of planting and harvest of crops, to celebrate a holiday whose symbolic value is just that: the planting and harvesting of crops. Identify the vernal equinox the first of the harvest, and fall with the second. Actually almost all villages have held and continue to hold, popular festivities related to the field. Thus, even today in many parts of Europe, is celebrated with traditional festivities, the arrival of the seed, or the development of the first beers of the season. For example in the popular Oktober Fest.
much more popular in Spain planting and harvesting of wine, and above the popular and cruel killing of the pig. All these celebrations had ancestral roots linking the man with the last connected to natural cycles. Perhaps now understand much better the importance of the equinoxes and their equivalence to the land fertile times.
In my view, Wicca is lost in excess romantic symbolism, linking the equinoxes with equal goddess and god. A time of love linking the equality of day and night. I will not get to wipe the subject. But surely our ancestors, raised in a society violenda and practically engaged in the war, would not have a vision as idyllic in those days and concepts.
For us, the time of the equinoxes, will be a time to celebrate among comrades, the symbols of the collection. As well as celebrating the solstices and direct influence descriptions that made the classic texts of these festivals, meetings, toast, and banquets. All dedicated to the god Enguz Goth.
To this end, the new pagans, will meet in the ALHS Gothorum where, as is tradition, the Ufargauta prepare their "altar" or work table with utensils. On this occasion, as a symbol of the harvest, we will restore the historical tradition of the Goths, the sacrifice of part of them to the gods.
Thus, participants will bring different fruits such as grapes, pears, apples, chestnuts, oranges etc. Which will be thrown into a container at the foot of the altar. Symbolizing the sacrifice from sowing to the gods, the ancient Goths peasants and warriors would perform in different tribes.
Thereafter, and with all meeting attendees. The Ufargauta, proceed to give a speech opening ceremonial ritual.

Enguz god of fields and crops
Fertilize the earth bears fruit as every year
accepts the offering of the best fruit in gratitude
Nerthus earth goddess
May your belly feed the seeds and protect them from cold
wind and accepted the offering of the best fruit in gratitude
Gods of race, proud
mountain with his sword to protect the children of your people
Defend the
collected seed and fertility and birth
isolate the enemies of the Gothic people from their fields
accept the offering of the best fruits Ancients
giant thanks that you were the world's beginning
Raise a wall of snow and frost defend
The blond spikes and fruit trees
accept the offering of the best fruit in gratitude

Following the ritual speech, the high priest take out his knife ritual (scram), and with the help of assistants dug a hole to bury symbolic way of planting, fruit offerings. Hoping you are feeding the soil, plants, ferns, trees growing in the fields, hills and mountains.
Finally, once again will go to the gods saying: Oh Come with

Village gods, lords of the race, the banquet offered in your honor.
finally being made again a meeting banquet in honor of the gods of the Gothic people


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